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Subject: Re: WEAK BLOOD

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Date Posted: 21:31:17 03/23/06 Thu
In reply to: TJ 's message, "WEAK BLOOD" on 16:08:54 03/23/06 Thu


Weak blood (or blood from untested/cur dogs that should have been culled) will and always should be suspect.

Like produces like.

Most modern OFRN blood is low percentage to start with. Compounding the issue by having weak dogs in the ped will simply increase a person's chances of producing sub-standard offspring.

A person will have an even harder road to hoe, if there is a pattern of inconsistent breeding behind the weak blood. No dog has a perfect background but I've seen pedigrees made up of predominately OFRN blood, that's mixed with so many other bloodlines (even some Staff blood), that it would be virtually impossible to know what kind of consistency you could expect.

Taking it a step further, if this same blood is then line-bred and/or in-bred off of those scattered breedings. Where's your core? In my opinion, this is what contributes to making an INCONSISTENT AND WEAK FAMILY LINE.

Taking it even another step, if you intend to start a family line with remnants from this kind of mis-managed blood, there is no crossing or good intention that will make it ship-shape. A person might make it better than it was but it will be so far away from the core of what these dogs are intended to be, well… there is always pride.


A cold dog is a dog that after given fair consideration, will not start.
A cold dog may respond out of self defense only or not at all.
Notice I said fair consideration.
Even within family lines, some dogs turn on faster than others.
It is good to know about the history of a dog’s lineage, before you let him take that first swim. If a certain line has a reputation of starting slow, know that in advance and be patient.

I have a dog down from a particular bloodline. I was told by the breeder that because his line is so inbred, that he will still be “heating-up” at two years of age.
Even though this dog of mine showed early signs of starting, I headed the advice of the breeder and took my time with him. The dog will let you know when he’s ready.

Some dogs start very early. Most of the local crew around my area wait until around 18 months before a first bump. If the tail goes up and the dog likes it, they go on from there. Some dogs don’t start until the age of two or more (i.e. Dibo).

It is good to have someone knowledgeable and experienced with you, so that you will be able to learn how to recognize when to proceed and when to wait.
Some ruin good dogs by not having the patience or experience to let a dog develop.
There are several stories of prominent dogs, whom were written off by inexperienced dog men and then became historical figures after going into the right hands.

As a yearling, a female pup down from my male was branded as being a slow starter or possibly cold, because she did not start-up at 13 months old. Yes, 13 months old. When word got around that she was bumped, I asked, “How did she act?” The response I received was, “like she was supposed too. Like a pup!”.

At this writing, she is only 15 months old and the caption written in her “pedigree on-line ped” reads, Cold as the Artic. I hope the owner of this pup will gain the experience and patience needed to let her mature before she is written off.

Point is, a cold dog is a dog that after fair consideration will not start. Make sure that you don’t ruin your prospect (or your own reputation) by being too hasty.

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05:31:35 03/24/06 Fri

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