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something that was given to me
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Date Posted: 04:32:31 03/26/06 Sun
In reply to: ANONYMOUS 's message, "OFBA 'S RED SATAN,HOMEBOY,FLATLINER,COPPERHEAD" on 20:38:27 03/09/06 Thu



This is information on the CEDARBROOK RED SHREDDER by THE TRAILDRIVER as found in The American Gamedog Times Nov.-Dec.1997


I am going to write this in response to some very untrue advertising put out by CEDARBROOK KENNELS about a game RED SHREDDER. The ad states, "SHREDDER is the only HEMPHILL / WILDER / SARONA Old Family Red Nose contracted dog in resent years to go over 40 minutes by going 1:10. He is crawling game, intelligent, stable, conformation correct with good ability".
Now here is a dog that loses 1:10.And through the grapevine I hear picked up before he quit. Let me talk about my friends of the OFBA out west and another friend of mine at Southern Pride Combine.
First in the summer of 1992, Lano & Emas Homeboy The Red, loses game in 32 minutes making a very game scratch causing
the Captain of the Dream Team to comment that the best dog had probably lost that night. Homeboy was OFBA breeding and it's down from Hemphill's RED SATAN.
Next to Morgan's RUSTY. He goes in the fall and is picked up game in 50 minutes. Unfortunately RUSTY didn't get home that night, he died, shortly after the match. A very game dog from the Hemphill bloodline.
In the fall of 1993 we come out with HOMEBOY'S brother FLATLINER. FLATLINER is 2 pounds lighter than BCC'S NEWS who was a very talented dog. In this match FLATLINER had his front leg broken at 15 minutes, by 30 minutes the right wrist was broken. At 1:05 FLATLINER made a game stumbling sratch he did take a 5 count before going across, but the light that was being carried around was 5 feet behind the other dog with a big shadow across NEWS who was a black dog. I was very impressed with the gameness of this dog especially considering the amount of punishment that was delivered to him.
Next one being HOMEBOY THE RED out again and although the conditioning wasn't the best they went ahead with the match. At 45 minutes HOMEBOY took a dump in the pit. This match was avery intense battle and at 1:40 HOMEBOY is counted out crossing the pit and died shortly afterwards.
Now next to the next generation. We have our RED SONJA who is off FLATLINER and BULL FRISKY who is a Sarona bred bitch. RED SONJA is 2.5 pounds lighter and wins this one in 26 minutes.
Four months later RED SONJA goes into a very good Boyles/Cowboy cross. RED SONJA was 1.5 under weight. In this match RED SONJA was behind for a good hour or more, she took tremendous damage in the chest. SONJA came from way behind in this match to win. This match was very fast paced and no out of holds or turns until we called a weak turn at 1:58 on the other dog, so we could get the scratching started. Their dog couldn't scratch at 2:12 and SONJA made hers. Again we lost SONJA the next afternoon and MOKIE died 10 minutes after the show.
We had another son of FLATLINER and a sister to RED SONJA. RED SIR was an excellent confirmation dog belonged to my wife, so after rolling him hard we decided to put him on the ADBA show circuit until he championed out. Then we would show him seriously. He died in a tragic kennel accident and broke his neck. When my daughter found him he was still hanging on the other dog.
This is just an example of some very good Red-Red Nose dogs that I have been around recently. So contrary to what CEDARBROOK says when I get ready to use more red dogs you can bet they will come from OFBA or SOUTHERN PRIDE KENNELS.

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