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Date Posted: 03:47:50 03/30/06 Thu

Although I'am not swamped with questions daily on e-mails
there is questions directed at me from time to time.Some I can answer in some way or fashion while others I have to dig the information up to see for myself at times.I know many that been around longer then myself and forgot more then I can remember.
But here is one question asked in an e-mail-----------------
Why are dogs called Hemphill strain or why are they called both Hemphill & Wilder.
My answer is this -------the Hemphill blood only resides in percentage form,how tight one has the blood has to be handled that way as there is no pure Hemphill blood today.
One might say that there is no Pure Hemphill x Wilder blood either.
When one considers that it was ages ago that Hemphill and Wilder were connected.
Being no expert I believe even today that the time has come for the Wilder blood to be sort in percentages also.
Jake mixed the Hemphill blood up with other stains and then mixed that up besides.
So although the Hemphill blood is valued today it can only be valued as in high %'s of the blood.
WIlder blood perhaps someone can indeed say they have pure Wilder blood if that really matters.
Another question that appears is why did Jake mix it up meaning the so called pure Hemphill blood with the many other blood lines that Jake added.
That is something that I don't understand myself,as many old timers long gone would inbreed even cold dogs that were pure as far as the pedigree goes as somewhere down the line those dogs would indeed produce.
I don't have the answers to the amount of cold-cur dogs that were kept that went on to produce.
Many old dogger would breed a litter and keep two females one used to play the game at the time and the other never touched yet used as a brood matron.
Like I said I'am by no means an expert and never will be.
That is why this board went into effect for those that have the answers to share.Some answers will always hold a question to it as to being true.
But an answer no matter what is of value.

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