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Subject: Re: Copperhead outcrosses

Iron Mike
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Date Posted: 08:38:19 03/31/06 Fri
In reply to: FTJ 's message, "Re: Copperhead outcrosses" on 05:36:11 03/23/06 Thu

>Mike don't frustrate yourself. We breed different
>dogs, most people do. It is obvious you are just
>attacking a line that is "genetically clean" and has a
>little more to offer from a Red Nose Family.

You got to be joking, right?
I saw the Copperhead pedigree. I don't use American Staffordshire Terriers in my dogs!

>I have
>gone the whole 360 with you and your fans and have
>only learned that you guys are only trying to
>discredit and bash something you know nothing about,
>My Red Nose Family.

No we haven't, you haven't stepped up yet and prove your loud mouth remarks to be true.
I know the dogs in your pedigree. I was around when they were and you WEREN'T!

>Most of the remarks from you and
>your buddies are usually crude and very disrespectful,
>showing no real desire to be informative. You just
>keep jumping up and down like a baby wanting your way.

I'm not the one continueing posting "clean and honest" BS about dogs that scatter bred as yours are!
BTW if you want respect, you earn it in the [].

>There are enough people who believe your wild eyed
>stories and who buy your dogs, I don't see how I could
>be a threat to your puppy sales or the image you have
>created for yourself.

Wild eyed? Many people other then myself have been successful with them. None have been with yours.
Puppy sales? lol I don't hose people for $2,000 a pup from scatter bred AST/APBT crossed dogs!

>I have no reason to insult you,
>since I don't have any biz dealings with you and in
>actuality you haven't caused me any problems, short of
>your insults and pedigreee scramblings.

You are a joke and insult the OFRN strain. You will never have dealings with me as long as I have any say in it!
The proof is in your own post of your dogs pedigrees!
Don't try and blame me for your junk dogs!

>I'm getting
>use to it now since I understand how a 60 plus year
>old man begins to become unglued at that age. I have
>meant some people who have some of your dogs that say
>you are an ok guy. Thats why it's hard for me to
>believe that some of these post come from you when
>they are gross misconceptions and bull yarn.

60+ something? Who are you referring too? Not me !
Remember, I was born with these dogs and are third generation with them.
Now don't really wish you could convince people I'm an old washed up old man with memory lost? LOL
Nice try again spinmaster but I can still handle a dog and haven't missed a step with my memory because I'm not 60+ old. lol

>Mike you
>have a great day and who knows .... maybe we will come
>face to face sharing a few moments in a special place
>with a couple of good dogs....over a nice beverage of
>choice... how good does it get?

Don't wait forever, find some heart soon!
For your bubble gum or your piggy bank........

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