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Date Posted: 16:08:26 09/16/02 Mon
Author: Aeraelin
Subject: [dodge]
In reply to: Archer 's message, "Flight" on 00:46:05 09/16/02 Mon

[quietly the illusion kept up, billowing flames fairly constant, only pausing when the other was a good distance away, out of range... and only then, just for a few seconds.
The exercise shall complete in a few minutes, Archer, came the warning, flitting from the Master's mind to his. She could see he was tiring, and had thought he had fared extremely well. Plus, she had a desire to talk to Tierce, examine her compound, and she had just sensed some other drake arriving, bearing a rider. She hoped it was from Fayre, as she had wished to discuss a few matters with the Master of Fire. One being a potential spell. Allies - if it was established, all the better. If not, so be it. She could fare quite well, with or without the alliance. She could always approach another if Fayre denied alliance. The drake and rider had come from the direction of the House of Fire, and so it quite possibly could be...
Eyes focus back upon the illusion and Archer, studying his tactic and the counter-tactics used by the illusion that were drawn from her memories of battles - battles by the model-drake, and others. Her illusion-spells and the thoughts controlling them sometimes took the liberty to mix and match moves, creating more innovative ones as they combine those from drakes seen before. Yet the current tactic of her illusion were common, as she knew it thoroughly, and has seen countless drakes using the same tactic over the years...]

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