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Date Posted: 15:40:00 09/29/02 Sun
Author: Fayre
Subject: Nods
In reply to: Aeraelin 's message, "[nod]" on 11:52:26 09/29/02 Sun

Farye nods her agreement to Aeraelin's wisdom. The question of Waylan irked her, that man had not yet arrived, and the fact that that was so annoyed her, seeing as how they would be such conflicting Elements. Fayre dismisses the thought and answers the questions.

"I know that for you city at least a priestess or two could take residence here and create Temples in honor of the Goddesses, that could bring good luck to the citizens here. And having a scientist or two in my city would definitely make it prosper, I would like to see that happen. Waylan will arrive when he arrives, hopefully soon, but that will give us a chance to pull Ellendea's tail feathers.

"I would think that training would include our Champions working together, finding ways to boost each others strengths or even unravel them. Knowing an Ally inside out certainly helps with the trust factor and helps to test the Champions limits. I am worried though, about human companions. Arach has gone out in earch of one, but I don't know how he's faring. Well, I hope. Anyways, are there any terms in particular that you wish to set down?"

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