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Date Posted: 17:50:39 11/10/02 Sun
Author: Neiffert
Subject: ::Man limps in.::

::He yawns and stretches, weary from his journey. He removes his pack, using the bag as a seat. He sighed. Damn his legs. His right was an inch or two longer than the left, a deformity he'd had since he could remember, His parents had prayed with him that the disability would disappear when he began puberty, but it wasn't to be.
He had lifts to help even the difference, but he often fell off the shoes, since one was two inches taller than he had become used to in the years before puberty.
The one good aspect of the legs was that they had helped inspire him to science. At first, he'd wanted to be a medic. That is, until they had looked at his legs greedily, thinkingof the tests they could run, of the medicines they could test. Neiffert shuddered at the thought of the worst torture they'd thought of to "help": To cut open his right leg and actually cut two inches of bone, muscle, and skin out of his leg. He shuddered again.
He looked at the academy where he hoped to become a member and a smile alighted to his angelic face. Here, he would devise a new medicine, one to encourage his left leg to grow, to catch up with his right. Then he'd be rid of his godforsaken limp forever.
He rose from his makeshift seat and continued on his way.::

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