Date Posted:13:29:43 09/13/03 Sat Author: Aeraelin Subject: [kind] In reply to:
's message, ".:.Flaming Arrow" on 23:29:55 09/04/03 Thu
(ooc - sorry for the delay! Voy was acting up on my comp...)
[Aeraelin flicked a finger, and various illusion-logs materialized in midair. She carefully extended the effort to include shadows, logs shifting with the breeze]
"I want to see how well you can weave about. How tight you can turn, how fast you can turn, quick thinking. That sort of thing. I expect you'll be good at it--you're small and quick, and I expect you'll be quite agile for it. This is what I want you to do, but please improvise and go through the course as you please, showing off your tricks."
[a dragon, roughly Archer's size and shape, made of windblown leaves, flitted through the course, dodging the logs, cutting corners tight, navigating the impromptu obstacle course.
However, there was a catch. Some of the logs were spinning, a random pattern that alternated and switched, and they needed to be avoided...
The windblown leaf-dragon drifted away at the end, leaves dropping to become debris once again...]
"Now you try, but you don't need to follow the same path as my debris-dragon through the obstacle course. Be creative! I know you can do it, and do it better than that leaf-beast I created to show you."