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Date Posted: 13:08:57 07/25/02 Thu
Author: Tierce
Subject: flight
In reply to: Archer 's message, "sighs" on 02:56:27 07/24/02 Wed

::Looking back , she watches Archer go through the figure eights, then twists and flies back until she is next to him::
I'm going to check how much you are used to changing directions, speeds and things like that. Try to not get any farther away than a wingspan.
::With that, she darts forward, accelerating with surprising speed. Cupping her wings forward, the drake suddenly slows, coming almost to a complete halt before turning and diving straight down at the tree tops. Checking to see where Archer was, she levels out well above the forest, and goes straight for several wingbeats before bringing her hindquarters under her body and twisting fluidly so she heads back in the opposite direction. Finding a helpful air current, Tierce climbs upward in a leisurely looking spiral, then quickly snaps her body off to the right, and heads away from the updraft at a ninety degree angle. Once again looking to Archer, she slows, dropping easily to the ground::

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