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Subject: Arrival Of Two

Enchanted Shadow and Hypnotic
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Date Posted: 16:41:47 01/14/02 Mon

C h a d- ::ebon steed moves swiftly among the shadows of the valley, masculine frame invisible under the cover of the darkless of night. Onyx hooves placed cautiously upon the ground that no leaves may crinkle nor twigs snap beneath his weight, for his purpose depends on stealth. Dark oculi scan the area for danger, and once satisfied, the stallion returns to where a strawberry roan mare waits.::

N o t a- "All clear?"

C h a d- ::Sculpted muzzle dips downward in a nod.:: "Nothing here will trouble us, and we can easily escape." ::He does not say just what they would need to escape from, for both know. He also notes that the terrain shall not be too far against them if it comes to a fight, but does not say so.::

N o t a- ::Snort is emitted through wide nostrils, and the mare stamps one forehoof impatiently.:: "Then let us not wait here until the sun decides to rise in the west. Our journey has been long, and I wish to rest."

C h a d- ::Bobbing sculpted head in agreement, he picks up a trot, leading the way into the tranquil valley.::

N o t a- ::the mare follows quickly, for her words were true; she longs to rest.::

B o t h- ::And so side-by-side, mare and stallion descend to the valley, where they will claim their hard-earned rest.::

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