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~Welcome To The Legend Lair~
_"Welcome"_ A voice falls to your ear. You look around and see nothing. Then a creature that seems to be like a human and horse mix that is black. He smiles. ~Hello I am Ram-Neu-Zak or Ra. This is my Lair. Well along with my brother Dae.~ Then a creature that looks like Ra only a silver color. He smiles as well. *"I am Anjealous or Dae. But I'd make due that you do not make me angry."* They both smiles and walk off. A spirit appears in front of you. The spirit smiles. _"I am called Mother Earth. I am the one who said welcome. I am Dae and Ra's mother. A spirit I am. I watch over them daily. I must go welcome you are."_ She disappears.
Mother Earth
  • Welcome to The Creature Lair
  • Dae and Ra's mother is here!
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