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Subject: ::approches::

As Deadly as a Cobra
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Date Posted: 08:32:04 12/04/01 Tue

:: In sleak form the large Albino Lion pads in pauseing at the entrance not wanting to barge in with out a invataion his ivory pelt gives off a faint glow in the dim lightly his large feathered wigns where held high and flared his head is head high bit not in a manner of 'i'm better then you' for he was very respectful of the king and thoese who out ranked him and the kings family musscels ripple under his coat as massive paws dent the earth finnily he spoke his voice loud and noble yet resceptful in it's self it seemed to carry and echo on the walls and trees around him::
Forgive me My Lord for not Contacting you by differnt means (e-mail , but i don't know you e-mail) but i was un sure how. I noted that keikea springs is in need of a leader I would be honored if you would see me worthy I know 3 who will come and live there possibly 6 others they need to speak with they're mates. I come here to ask to be chosen , my king I promise you that if I am chosen the TT will be very active. as will I My lord. Forgive me if I have disturbed you.
::he waited in silance lingering in the doorway awaiting to be told yes , no, he'd be considered ,or get out either why he would bare no ill will by the king for he had welcomed him into his lands and for that the regal cat would be forever greatful::

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¤~We will see Codra~ ¤ (NT)Ra09:12:20 12/04/01 Tue

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