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Date Posted: 14:52:30 05/31/17 Wed
To read about, tantric yoga exercizes, string teory, about treatment of stretch marks, about how to get a strong immune system and good resistance agasinst disease, please scroll down.
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Some Tantric Exercises to Increase General Well-Being and Sexual Abilities
by Knut Holt
More advices about health, sex and fitness here:
A healthy anal and genital area is of great importance both for the general well-being and for the sexual abilities. The same is thrue about a healthy respiratory tract and breathing apparatus. Here are presented three poses and three breathing exercises that have the following effects when done together in a series:
-They stimulate the physiological functions of the genital and anal area.
-They correct muscle weakness and anatomical problems of the anal and genital region.
-They increase the sexual drive and abilities.
-They produce a stimulating response that spreads upwords along the spine and revitalizes the whole body.
-They stimulate the physiological functions of the respiratory tract and help against infections in the airways.
-The exercises are very good to start each day with, or to do before going to bed in the night.
Stand on your hands and knees upon the floor.
Kneel backword so that your buttocks go backword and down towards your feet and stretch your arms foreword.
Breath out and then take a deep breath in, filling your lungs totally with air. Hold your breath with the air inside.
Squeeze your anal muscles and pull your anal opening as deeply inword as you can. However do not strain when squeezing. This exercise shall not be exhausting.
Relax your anal muscles compleetely again.
Repeat the sqeesing and relaxing 3-5 times, but not so long that you go out of oxygen in your body.
Empty your lungs.
Rize up on your hands and knees again. Relax a while in this position and then you can repeat the exercise if you wish.
Lie on your back upon a carpet on the floor with your arms along your sides and relax.
Breath out.
Then breath inn deeply while relaxing all the muscles you do not need for the breathing.
Then breath out. When breathing out, squeeze your anal muscles and pull your anal opening as deeply inword as you can. However do not strain when squeezing. This exercise shall not be exhausting.
After having breathed out, relax your anal muscles again.
Repeat the breathing in and breathing out whiile squeezing 3-8 times, but not som much that you get exhausted.
Then relax again.
Lie on your back upon a carpet on the floor.
Breath out completely.
Swing your armes in an arch over your head and down to the floor over your head so that your whole body is stretched from top to toe. When swinging your arms, take a deep breath filling your lungs totally with air.
Hold your breath with the air inside.
Squeeze your anal muscles and pull your anal opening as deeply inword as you can. However do not strain when squeezing. This exercise shall not be exhausting. Relax your anal muscles compleetely again.
Repeat the sqeezing and relaxing 3-5 times.
Swing your arms back at the same time as you empty your lungs.
Relax some while and then you can repeat the exercise if you wish.
Sit upon a pillow on the floor with your legs crossed and the back streight.
Empty your lungs completely.
Breath in counting to 4.
When breathing in, try to do it in three stages that proceed smoothely into each other: Use first your diafragm so that your stomack moves out. Then fill further by using your chest muscles. And then complete the filling by using the muscles around your shoulders.
Hold your breath counting to 16.
Then breath out counting to 8.
When breathing out, try to do it in three stages that proceed smoothely into each other: Use first your diafragm so that your stomack moves in.Then empty further by using your chest muscles. And then complete emptying by using the muscles around your shoulders.
Sit upon a pillow on the floor with your legs crossed and your back streight.
Take 10 rapid deep breathes in and out after another, but not so rapid that you get strained or breath uncompleetely.
When breathing in, try to do it in three stages that proceed smoothely into each other: Use first your diafragm so that your stomack moves out.Then fill further by using your chest muscles.And then complete the filling by using the muscles around your shoulders.
When breathing out, try to do it in three stages that proceed smoothely into each other: Use first your diafragm so that your stomack moves in. Then empty further by using your chest muscles. And then complete emptying by using the muscles around your shoulders.
After the last in-breath , hold your breath with your lungs filled counting to 10.
Then breath out.
Sit upon a pillow on the floor with your legs crossed and your back streight.
Empty your lungs completely.
Close your left nostril with the fingers of one of your hands.
Breath in through your right nostril counting to 4.
When breathing in, try to do it in three stages that proceed smoothely into each other: Use first your diafragm so that your stomack moves out. Then fill further by using your chest muscles, and then compleete the filling by using the muscles around your shoulders.
Hold your breath counting to 16.
Then close your right nostril with your fingers. Then breath out through your left nostril counting to 8.
When breathing out, try to do it in three stages that proceed smoothely into each other: Use first your diafragm so that your stomack moves in. Then empty further by using your chest muscles. And then complete emptying by using the muscles around your shoulders.
When you have breathed out, repeat the exercise, but this time begin by closing your right nostril first.
When the series is done, then lie down upon a carpet on the floor andrelax for 2-5 minutes. This relaxation will increase the effects of the exercises and make you recover if the exercises have made you tired.
Concetrate upon relaxing your legs first, then your lover body, then your upper body, then your arms and shoulders, and at last your head and face. When the whole body is relaxed, try not to think about anything, and relax your whole body even furter.
Then lie some time in this relaxed state without thinking about anything.
By Knut Holt
At these link you may find other articles about health topics:
Written by Knut Holt. The author is a freelands web-designer and translator of web-content between Scandinavian and English. His speciality is scientific and medical content. He also market health item on his domains. He also is experienced in practising sport and yoga.
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String Theory - What is That
By Knut Holt
String theory is a theory within physics which is under development and which aims at explaining all forces and particles of nature from more basic principles.
Currently one uses two traditional theories which are not 100% correct, but which work well within great but different areas. One is the standard theory wich is based on quantum mechanical principles and that can explain the electromagnetic force, the weak force and the strong force. This theory works very well for very small objects and small distances, but the theory is very clumpsy, with several constants that are set by measurement, and not by the theory itself.
The other is the general theory of relativity that can explain the gravitational force, and the differences measured in length, time, velocity and mass for the same object when one changes from one referance frame to another. This theory works best when the masses and distances are great.
String theory and a more developed version of it, M-theory, is based on the principles of quantum mechanics and relativity and can explain all forces, all particles and most constants based on more fundamental notions, but the theory is still not completed even though it has been worked on for 30 years.
String theory, is based on an axiom that there are more than 3 spatial dimmentions, and hence more that 3 directions that stand in a right angle at each other, actually 10 in the current version, or M-theory, which is described in the following.
Objects or particles can have a shape of all from 0 to 10 dimmentions. These are called N-branes where N is the number of dimmentions the object has. Branes can also be of any sizes from that of tiny elementary particles to the size of an universe. A 1-brane is also called a string.
Our universe is an enormous 3-dimmentional object, a so-called 3-brane or word-brane, that is placed in an even greater super-space with more that 3 dimmentions, and with possibly many more universes formed as branes.
The elementary particles like electrons and quarks are actually strings. These can be open in both ends or be closed to small rings. When a string is open, the open ends are fixed to a 3- brane, and hence confined within the realm of a universe. The ring-shaped strings originate within a universe, but are free to jump over to other universes and interact there too.
Several of the dimmentions are however shrunken to tiny bubles around the strings, but that can happen in many ways, so that the boubles get different shapes and are wrapped around each other in different ways.The strings can vibrate in several ways, and they can be oriented in several ways inside the shrunken dimmentions that are wrapped around them.
All these possibilities of vibration and orientation of a string gives it different combination of properties, and actually the same properties that the differnt known particles have, like electrical charge, spin, charm, colors, mass, energy, boson and fermion properties and the like.
In modern quantum mechanics, forces are explained as emission of particles called bosons, having integer spin, from one particle, and caching of that boson by another particle, so that the energy and other properties in the boson is transfered between the two particles. The different vibrations and orientations also explain the bosons of various kind and thus the various kind of forces.
Ring-formes strings may as already mentioned possibly move out from the word-brane and transverse the superspace over to another word-branes or universe. Gravitons that transfere the gravitational forse is thought to act that way. In this way our universe and other universes may interfere with each other by gravitation. This may explain why the gravitational force is felt so weak and possibly also the hidden mass acting in our universe.
The shrinking of many dimmentions and the confinement to the 3-dimmentional word-brane is the cause that our world looks 3-dimmentional to us.
The tring-theory contains however a paradox that seems contrary to quantum mechanics or at least an open unanswared theoretical question. If on really mean seriously that those strings or branes are vibrating, or not just using this therm as a mathematical abstract analogy, there must be some internal fores within those strings. In other words, the string theory explains forces between particles, but imply a new kind of force inside the strings. This is because vibration is a alternation between potential and kinetic energy within an object, and that alternation is mediated by internal forces.
Must then these forses be understood as semi-classical continuous forces in a continuous material, only that the amount energy in the vibration is quantisized, or must one regard the strings and branes as consisting of even smaller particles, possibly 0-brabnes, with some even smaller bosons carrying forces between them?
Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on technology, health, fitness and erotics. To find more information and interesting products within these areas, please visit his web-site:
Stretch Marks - How to Avoid and Cure Stretchmarks
By Knut Holt
A stretch mark is an acquired stripe in the skin, narrow or broad, and sometimes branched. It is usually reddish at first but will eventually get pale, and it is less elastic and looser than normal skin. The skin in the stripe can be sunken or elevated, but in an irregular fashion. Several stretch marks tend to appear parallel.
They can develop any place in the body, but most often at places that have a thick fat layer. Typical places are the lower belly, the hips and the thighs. Stretch marks are structural defects in the dermis, the mid layer of the skin between the outer epidermis and the inner fat-rich layer, subdermis. Affected areas have less fibers made of the proteins collagen and elastin to keep the skin taut and elastic. Stretch marks can form at any age in both men and women, but highest risk occur during puberty and in pregnant women.
One factor causing stretch marks is a reduced production of protein fibers in the skin so that it gets weaker. This is often due to influence of an increased level of glucocorticoid hormones which typically occur during puberty and pregnancy. Genetic inheritance or a bad diet can also cause weaker skin. For the damage to occur the skin must then be stretched during some time, either constantly or repeatedly, due to weight gain, sport activities, pregnancy or external impacts.
Keeping a normal weight will help to prevent stretch marks, since a thick layer of fat tissue seems to promote them. According to research a good preventive measure is massage of exposed body areas with an oily cream that also gives moisture to the skin. Some of the ingredients used in these preventive products are wheat germ oil, other botanical oils, egg oil, panthenol, menthol, gotu kola extract and vitamin E. Taking some caution how body areas are stretched during sport and work might help. The mentioned preventive measures can also help to take away the damage at an early stage.
Stretch marks tend to normalize by time, but seldom go completely away. Laser treatment have shown to be effective to make stretch marks less visible, especially the fresh ones. By one type of laser treatment one uses light with the wavelength 585 nm at the whole affected area to stimulate healing activities. Treatment with radio waves may also be effective, especially when combined with laser treatment.
By another method one performs a series of treatments where different spots in the stretch marks are subjected to the laser rays each time, and one uses so strong light that small wounds are caused in those spots, fractional laser treatment. The subsequent regrowth activities will strengthen the structure also around the wounds so that the skin in the marks normalize. This treatment is reported to be good for older stretch marks.
Sometimes one performs surgical abrasion of the outer part of the skin to take away stretch marks, called dermabaration. Microdermabration, where not much more than the outer layer of horn stuff, keratin, is ground away, may also be an option. These procedures smoothen the surface of the skin, and the regrowth activities will spread to deeper parts of the skin and make it tighter. When there is an excess of skin at an area, the excessive skin together with stretch marks can be removed surgically, and the skin sewn together will also be tauter. This procedure is most often done at the lower abdomen, which is then called tummy tuck surgery.
Creams with retinoids, which are derivatives of vitamin A may help, especially retinoic acid. These substances may work by stimulating a new structural development within the dermis and epidermis. In many places these drugs are prescription bound.
Products with glycolic acid in a low concentration is also an option for treatment of stretch marks. Glycolic acid dissolves irregular structures, especially in the outer skin layer and takes away miscoloration. The regrowth activities may then establish a smoother and firmer structure. These products, formulated as cleansers, scrubs or lotions shall usually stay on the skin a short time before being washed away. Some people report good results by using a retinoid cream and glycolic acid between each dose of the cream.
Several manufacturers make creams, lotions or ointments to cure stretch marks that can be purchased without prescription. These will typically contain botanic oils of various kind to make the skin smooth, to act as a carrier of other working ingredients and to give the cream the right consistency. Some of these oils are also assumed to stimulate skin repair.
Most of them also contain vitamins, like vitamin A, vitamin E and Vitamin B3 (Niacin). They typically also contain different types of peptides, substances whose molecules are combinations of two or a few amino acids. The aim of these substances is to stimulate the fibroblasts to make more fibers which then is used to build up a firmer skin structure.
Knut Holt is an Internet marketer and author with a focus on health items and science. Please see his web-site to find more skin care information. There are also presentation of products to improve skin health and enhance fitness.
How to Strengthen your Immune System and Keep Yourself Free from Infections
How to Strengthen your Immune Sytem and Keep Yourself Free from Infections
To get a strong immune system and avoid both recurrent infections like flu and cold as well as oportunistic infections in avery body part, there are a lot of simple things you can do:
- Keep yourself dry and pleasently warm throughout the the most of the day and night. Try to avoid both freezing and to be sweat from having got too warm.
- Short cold baths can however increase your resistance if you get warm afterwards.
- Have some daily and varied exercise that both train your condition, flexibility and muscles. For this purpose moderate training is better that the extreme kind of exercise.
- Keep a good hygienic standard, but do not exaggerate the hygiene. Your immune system need to get in contact with all kind of elements to get educated. Children especially should be allowed to get in contact with both people and elements in the nature.
- A common advice is to keep your vaccination schedule as reccomended by the health authorities. But there are serious questions about certain vaccines, regarding effectiveness and side effects, for example the vaccine for influenza. The best advice is to keep yourself well informed about the vaccination program, and take those vaccines that seem reasonable for your situation.
- Try to avoid places where many people with infections are present, if possible, and if you are, or have been at such a place, good wasing of your hands before eating and after toilet visits is especially important.
- Keep a diet with only natural ingredients that are rich in vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. Do not fry or cook your food so hard that the nutrients are destroyed or spoiled. Avoid industrially processed food or fast food.
- Your diet should contain equal amounts of vegetables, fruit, fish, poultry, mushrooms and meat. Provide that you eat some fat fish, nuts or almonds, sunflower seeds and the like, because these food types contain vitamins and fatty acids important for the immune system..
- Do not add a lot of fat and sugar to your food and do not buy food with a lot of added fat and sugar.
- Some herbs or extratcs may help to boost your immune system, for example Ecinacea, Sambucus, Blackcurrant, Atragalus, Seabuckthorn, Olive lief and Umcka. These are found at the market, both as bulk herbs, single extracts and blended extracts.
Knut Holt is a business consultant and marketer focusing on the health and erotic fields. At his site there is more information about health, fitness and sexuality. You can also find presentation of products to improve health, including items to help for infections, and of products in the categories erotics, hobby, automotive and apparel.
This article is free to copy as long as the author's name and link is present.
A complete set of advices for successful slimming.
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Also science kits, magic sets, elecetronic lab kits and much more
Help against Hemorrhoid and Stomach Problems. Stomach cleansing products
Natural cures or support for: Hemorrhoids, constipation, stomach pain, stomach inflammations, GERD, diarrhoea. Stomach cleansing products. Also products to help for urinary tract infection, yeast infection, men's problems and women's problems.
Help for depression, anxiety, poor memory, poor concentration, dementia, insomnia, restlessness, tension, ADHD and other mental problems.
Collected, edited and analyzed by Knut Holt
Please also see his website with interseting information about alternative treatments, fitness and sex
You can use these polls to tell your own history or the history of someone you know about.
Alien abduction - investigation of memories of alien abduction or similar events
Memories of events that may be interpreted as alien abduction are quite common. Some may be from real abduction by non-human beings coming in strange flying vehicles.
Others may be actions done by governmental agencies or mafias for various purposes that have some of the same type of details.
Often one does not remember the abduction as such, but one remembers only some loose details during some kind of ordeal one has been subjected to.
I have made a poll to investigate these memories. If you have experienced something of the kind, please go to the poll and answar. All the answars will be lain out in the massage forum of the poll to be commented further upon.
The address of the poll:
Extended mandatory well-child examination under anesthesia:
In certain areas the health authorities has begun to subject children and teens to extended well-child physicals where one performs several or all of the following procedures: inspections with optical scopes through all or several body openings,ultrasound examinations of most body structures, x-ray taking of joints, EEG and EKG. The kid is often given sedation or even general anesthesia during these extended physicals to make the kid cooperative and to hinder him or her from remembering. Still the kid will remember a lot of details around the procedures and sometimes also from the procedures themselves, because anesthesia never works perfectly, and the kid will always have some symptoms afterwards that tell a lot of what has been done. This poll has the aim of investigating experiences from such ordeals.
Poll about cystoscopy:
By cystoscopy the doctor looks into your bladder with a long instrument. This instrument can be rigid like a stick or flexible. All age groups have cystoscopies. In some comunities a cystoscopy seem to be a mandatory exam at some ages of children and teens. These communities are probably not many yet, but this type of exam seem to increase in frequency, both for special purposes and for mandatory or recomended screening. This poll has the purpose of establishing a picture of the frequence of this type of exam in different age groups and the arrangements during the exam.
Secret medical exams and procedures under anesthesia:
There is growing indices pointing to a practice of doing secret exams and procedures on both children and adults in addition to the thing they are under anesthesia for. Such ordeals may be done for research, for trainging of medical students, ordered by child protective agencies, ordered by school health service, ordered by police or asked for by parents or relatives. This poll is to find out how common signs of such secret ordeals having been done are. This poll has beenlaunched in several sesseions.
Called in for a strange physical or psycological exam:
There is growing indices pointing to a practice of doing secret exams and procedures on both children and adults in addition to the thing they are under anesthesia for. Such ordeals may be done for research, for trainging of medical students, ordered by child protective agencies, ordered by school health service, ordered by police or asked for by parents or relatives. This poll is to find out how common signs of such secret ordeals having been done are.
All the polls also have a message board. The individual stories of each participant will be published here. Here you can add comments or ask questions.
Knut Holt
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