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Date Posted: 19:47:59 12/28/01 Fri
Author: Terror
Subject: What should I say? I don’t know what the heck is happening. What’s wrong with her? Who the hell is Tize’em? “Be still for a moment.” The motherly instincts arose from their hiding place deep inside her ebony coated heart. A copper hand caresses DOL’s head in a soothing rub. “Please…”
In reply to: Tize'em 's message, "Calm yourself, your highness. I didn't want to hurt you, but you see, I can't have such rebellion going on inside your pretty head. (OOC: Please, Shaz, you CAN'T see him. He's not there! He's speaking to DOL through her mind with private thoughts and is hurting her with force!)" on 19:44:12 12/28/01 Fri

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  • "You lie," she whispers bitterly. "And you won't accomplish what you set out to do." Blinking slowly, she focuses on Terror. "Find a healer," she says, barely audible. (NT) -- Daughter of Light, 19:48:01 12/28/01 Fri
  • I lie all the time, your highness. It's a fault, or perhaps a gift of mine. But when do I start telling the truth? When are my words not false but true? Like that son of yours, for example. What if he met his match, what if he died, like his father. What then? (NT) -- Tize'em, 19:50:21 12/28/01 Fri
  • Reluctant to leave, but knowing there was nothing she could possibly do, she nods. "I shall be back soon." Upon instinct, she places a butterfly kiss upon her forehead. "Don't give up, DOL." Upon those last words, she hurriedly departs. (NT) -- Terror, 19:52:35 12/28/01 Fri
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