>Crouching at DOL's side (physically moving people, if
>necessary), she puts up a magic shield around DOL,
>Calydor, Terror [methinks?] and herself.
>*Now, then.*
>She looks to one of DOL's nearby herd members. *One
>of you get me a glass of water and a cold, wet
>Her gaze then shifts to those closest to her. *That
>sorcerer can't get in now. The shield will stop him
>from any Magical attacks, and while it won't stop any
>physical ones, I don't think that will be a problem.*
>*However*, she continues, *we need to fix
>this.* She gestures to DOL. *Did you try
>healing her, Calydor?*
>[I know the answer to this, of course, but she
>doesn't. Just give her a brief re-cap.]