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Date Posted: 22:49:12 12/31/01 Mon
Author: Daughter of Light
Subject: She crosses her arms and tries to keep the stubborn look from her face.
In reply to: -myrakazan- 's message, "-wander-" on 17:39:23 12/20/01 Thu

"I hate being incapacitated (why do I use that word so much? arg. Anyway, it means "disabled")," she mumbles, not wanting to complain but clearly disliking being out of the action. "And I feel like a melodramatic person trying to draw attention to myself. I'm really not," she insists, hoping they understood. "And as soon as I get well enough, I'm up and out of here."

She pauses for a moment, considering what she had just said. "I left out something very important in my whining," she says with a slight smile. She looks up at those around her. "Thank you all, very very much, for helping me. Terror, Calliope, Calydor, Sundance, Shazaam, even Shadow at Midnight for being willing to help and Steel for coming to support. I will never be able to repay it to you, but if I ever can be of service, don't hesitate to call on me."

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  • I'd like to repeat for everyone what I've been telling Steel Dream's energetic but ignoring player a few times. If anyone is expecting Tize'em to reply here, he isn't. He isn't that stupid and will probably only reply if he thinks he can get DOL into his power. (NT) -- Tize'em's Player, 07:11:24 01/01/02 Tue
  • [Eh, I know. It's for good storytelling measure.] (NT) -- Calliope, 10:02:08 01/01/02 Tue
  • (*grins* yay! I was right! I said, "He'll be back eventually, but probably not with so many people around." hehehe. next time *warns Tize'em* DOL will be more on her guard against you) (NT) -- Ashley, 17:39:53 01/01/02 Tue
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