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Date Posted: 11:27:42 01/05/02 Sat
Author: Daughter of Light
Subject: With a slight look of confusion as to Malussinn's abrupt manner, she answers softly.
In reply to: Malussinn 's message, "Again in human form, he strides quickly over to DOL and Steel Dream." on 19:32:05 01/04/02 Fri

"Tize'em?" she asks, but it is more of a statement than a question. "I don't know why he came here, or what motive he had." She says flatly. "He offered me a ball of his power, but my natural defenses made me refuse. He pressed and I," she pauses, blushing as she remembered her foolishness and apparent inability. Sighing, she knows she must continue, "and I gave in. The magic had a mind of its own, it seemed, or he was still controlling it. It pulled me into itself and rendered me defenseless. I was all but lost until Terror happened by and saved me by distracting my attention." She closes her eyes painfully; it was too soon after the terrible experience. "But he wasn't done yet. He continued to assail my mental forces and my inner self. I resisted as much as I could, but I fear I would not have lasted had it not been for Calliope and the rest."

She ends there and is silent for a moment, then a question rises. "Wait... how do you know Tize'em?"

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