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Date Posted: 18:05:08 01/10/02 Thu
Author: Daughter of Light
Subject: Scowling at Malussinn, she glances toward Cirrus. "Will somebody please tell me what this is about? I have no idea who Tize'em and Hontaru really are, and he's," she continues, giving a frustrated guesture towards Malussinn, "just giving me vague answers. How is Hontaru involved in this?"
In reply to: -myrakazan- 's message, "-wander-" on 17:39:23 12/20/01 Thu

>-veronil wanders through the crowds, silently as if a
>jungle cat slinking through the dwelling o' darkness.
>undoing his tie he tosses it in a near by trash can.
>moving into a bathroom he takes off his tux. revealing
>comfortable clothing o' cakis(sp?) and a blue
>checkered button up. breathing a sigh o' relief,
>machila turns from the room to exit. ingressing 'pon
>crowded room once more. shruging shoulders he turns
>to the bar. ordering a glass o' asti. turning he sits
>on one o' the empty stools hidden by the offset
>darkness o' 'ze lights. sighing again ever searching
>oculi glance around. thoughts running through clogged
>mind. was it a good idea for me to come back? no
>one seems to really care 'cept dol. maybe i should go
>back early? no no i musn't
wanting desperatly to
>turn back to a horse, yet 'ze erge to is held back.
>sophistication. shakes his head slightly 'fore turning
>to watche 'ze dancers-

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