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Subject: Re:

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Date Posted: 18:16:13 10/20/04 Wed
In reply to: 's message, "Tam su PLU" on 15:14:48 04/24/04 Sat

chao anh Yamaha,
minh nghi nhung nhan vat trong cau chuyen dang o tren co le do ho chua co tiep xuc nhieu, va chua co tung trai qua cac moi quan he dong gioi, nen mot khi dieu do den voi ho thi ho cam thay khong the cuong lai duoc va quen di tat ca de lao theo ...con nhung truong hop khac, nhu anh Yamaha chang han, do da co "qua trinh" chuan bi tu truoc nen khong co nhung phan ung bat ngo nhu vay..theo minh nghi thi mot khi minh tim duoc su can bang giua 2 the gioi thi dieu do la tot nhat. chu cung khong nen qua cuc doan ma keu goi "cham dut han" hoac "lao theo" thi cung khong hay...Dieu quan trong la minh xac dinh duoc cai gi la thuc su quan trong doi voi cuoc doi cua minh, con cai gi la khong..tu do se quyet dinh hanh dong cua ca nhan...noi tom lai theo minh cung khong nen voi trach nhung nhan vat duoc de cap trong cau chuyen, moi nguoi mot hoan canh...suy cho cung moi nguoi su tu ganh lay hau qua cua viec minh lam...ngot hay dang thi cung phai chiu thoi...
Chao anh

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Re: Tam su PLUHoang anh10:22:45 10/23/04 Sat

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