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Date Posted: 08:54:37 12/07/01 Fri
Author: edie
Subject: Jealousy is simply false.
In reply to: edie 's message, "Self-esteem feels great." on 08:42:37 12/07/01 Fri

a job is my right.
a roof over my head,
basic security of home base.
disbelieve that degrades crucifies.
has no respect for personality.

the rest. all wants desires,
we already have/will have is destiny.

certainly as is right that all people be able
to fulfill their earth destiny, is through ambition
also, only those who do not deny will know what that is.

in destiny,
our ambitions unfold
throughout eternity our destiny grows and grows.
surpassing your present ambitions so much more
then you could possibly fathom.

intelligence. i am a self-consciously aware of myself,
am i. is why i am, can be concerned for the future and
past, is so i know i am a personality of our Order.
any intelligence smaller, is an animal, has another
destiny, not of our Order.

I.Q. is the ability to add facts together and arrive at
a new conclusion true. when you can't, all people can
be taught.
if you are so hugely aware of your genius, beware.
we are the dumbest full personality order.
might as well be fair.

jealous of angels? if you were of their order,
your personality would be someone other,
another self-conscious being, whose personality
is bigger. personality itself, You, is no bigger nor
smaller then your I.Q. So be you, Exists! Is important

the smallest of our Order has the greatest progressive
future. is all of us.

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