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Date Posted: 13:34:15 09/15/06 Fri
Author: deny grew hard, was accidental, if you now hear:
Subject: the true definition of what is selfish is not up to you at all.
In reply to: good circumstance would have been anyone 's message, "hold contempt simply does not care about you: no right holding contempt" on 11:48:53 09/14/06 Thu

if God, the Guy, the Big Consciousness, is "for" the view that you do not have to care for now, is true, then God is "for" the view, that you can hurt people. Morals are not up to you. you don't hurt people. you don't pretend you are "better". prejudice thought you didn’t have to care. You do. No such thing as prejudice anymore.

"break it off", (hold contempt = rejection), covers up you did, speaks of who you rejected as if bad; is incapable of learning better is unredeemable then?,-- hurting him again and again: technically, you rejected your soul literally, to break it off with one person. Regain your compassion, admits there is zero excuse to hold contempt.

the very definition of selfishness is fact, (caring is true only): Selfishness is hurtful at all, much less vicious, allows fear of harms way; because that is what others can suffer. If you allowed harms way, and still, you are right? then you are of suicidal/homicidal temperament; because that is what others can suffer. If you knew you rejected your soul to do this, then you don’t hear. Guilt, fear, still hears. If a fellow, you do know, is well meaning, and/or always has been even, (even strangers can tell, in this case); then pretending he is not, is why you didn’t honestly believe a darn thing,--is suicidal/homicidal also. You grew hard accidentally, is proven, if you will admit deny grew hard. It would have been anyone in your exact circumstance is the way it is absolutely, is proven, if you take responsibility for your actions, and will now not deviate from the true definition of selfishness. Self-pity needed to such a degree that you would hurt another person?: self–pity is false only, if you are a good person after all.

self-esteem feelingly prefers to be your brother's keeper. make darn certain you feel this way. loves to have people around for the right reasons anyway,--isn't ego=excitement of self only. inspires one to create a culinary treat, decorate, to make things as great as possible. (the only alternative is "scroogie" temper, small hearted, bitter (angry) selfish pity all the time, resents having to do the right thing. only cares about himself. it is only one way or the other.) open your heart, opens your home in attitude foremost. make this attitude happen, is easy, if all your regrets are regrets. our life on earth is a short visit, and an emergency at that; the glad hearted would rather be inconvenienced, if need be, to make right. Come to self-esteem is on purpose only. Growth is on purpose only.

*it is selfish not to prefer everyone equally, is true only. *ego need is false only. be wrong absolutely to have been wrong, will feel belief in god. Moral truth is not up to you, is the "memo" you would have first received in heaven; is fact you now receive on earth.
~~~go where the facts go only, is self correcting only, is the definition of a good person. the facts will always cure you of all emotional concern is the promise made to you.

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