Subject: The Dragonslayer, Chapters 5 & 6 |
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Date Posted: 20:02:52 12/16/01 Sun
In reply to:
's message, "The Dragonslayer" on 16:44:37 12/16/01 Sun
The Dragonslayer, Chapter 5
Michael drove along the country road, carefully following the directions on the piece
of paper that a dying Cooper had pushed into his hand. His mind whirled with plans
for freeing first Grace and Rene from Tillman, and as a last resort, he made plans for
his own escape if that was even possible. But, first things first. Making sure that
Grace and Rene were safe became his life’s goal and he hoped fervently that he could
attain that goal, but he knew his life would be forfeit if that was what it took.
He turned off the main road and followed the gravel drive that led up to an old
farmhouse in a dense grove of trees. The house must have been a beautiful house at
one time, but now it was crumbling in disrepair and overgrown with weeds. He
switched off the engine and coasted down the slight incline of a drive. Michael
stopped the car, pocketed the keys and got out of the car. He scanned the area,
looking for some sign of those who had taken Grace and Rene, but he detected
nothing and no one. He walked up to the house and entered the unlocked front door.
As he walked as quietly as possible across the large foyer, he heard Rene’s voice.
“You didn’t have to hurt my Mom!” he was shouting, “you didn’t have to shoot her!”
Michael stopped and closed his eyes tightly. God, no, let Grace be okay, he thought
furiously. He opened his eyes and continued across the hallway to the half-closed
door from which he heard his son’s frantic voice, now joined by a voice that he
thought must be Tillman.
“Listen, kid, she was hit with a tranq dart. She will be okay, she’ll have a whopper of a
headache, but she will be just fine.” Tillman was trying to reassure Rene. Michael
suddenly felt much better. Grace would be all right. She would be able to drive
herself and Rene away from this place. He heard a soft step behind him and turned
just in time to see a rifle butt rushing toward his forehead, and then there was
nothing but pain and blackness.
The Dragonslayer, Chapter 6
Michael was dragged from the darkness by the urgent and terrified voice of his son,
as Rene wiped a wet cloth across his forehead. “Daddy, wake up, please, Daddy!”
Michael opened his eyes to find Rene bending over him, sobbing in relief and love to
see Michael awake. “Daddy, I was so scared, but you’re here now to take Mom and
me away from this place and away from the four dragons, aren’t you Daddy?” Michael
saw hope in his son’s green eyes. How could he tell his son that he would not be
leaving this place with him?
“Rene, where is your Mom?” Michael asked as he sat up, surprised to find himself
unbound. He used this respite from bindings to take Rene in his arms and to make
sure that his son was unharmed. “Where is Grace?” He asked again, looking around
the room and seeing several men with automatic weapons pointed at him and his son.
“Slow movements only, okay,” he said, holding his hands out to his sides and
nodding his head and, in return, watching the men nod theirs in a tacit agreement
among professionals.
“Mom is in the other room on the bed. She isn’t feeling so good. They shot her. But
the head dragon said it was only to make her sleep. Daddy, you should have seen
her! When the dragons broke into our house, she picked up my aluminum baseball
bat and had knocked two of them in the head before any of them knew what was
happening. Daddy, they fell down and didn’t get up again. Their friends said that she
fractured their skulls.” Rene giggled as he looked up at the shocked expression on
Michael’s face. His giggle stopped abruptly and he said solemnly, “that was when
they shot her.”
Michael took several deep breaths, trying to calm the emotions bubbling inside him.
He hugged Rene again and whispered to him, “Rene, everything’s going to be okay.
As soon as your Mom wakes up, the two of you are going to leave this place and go
somewhere safe. It won’t be long now.”
Rene looked up at Michael with fear in his shimmering green eyes. “But what about
you, Daddy? Aren’t you going with us?”
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