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Ice on Fire, 1 | BBoX | 07:10:44 12/15/01 Sat |
Hey, BBoX! This promises to be one heck of a roller-coaster ride, I can tell! (r) -- Cynaera, 07:44:43 12/15/01 Sat
That opening line alone has to win some sort of prize -- and then it only got better!!! -- JayBee, 08:07:01 12/15/01 Sat
- This is one of my favorites of yours - -- Nell, 08:20:46 12/15/01 Sat
- I agree with Nell, I loved this one the first time I read it & looking forward to reading it again. (NT) -- Suzanne, 16:23:01 12/15/01 Sat
- Thanks for reading, toots. Raising my jig of eel-juice at ya. Here's mud in your eye! -- BBoX, 22:20:58 12/15/01 Sat
- this is great fun! many thanks for posting it!! (NT) -- sk, 23:03:22 12/15/01 Sat
I'm a big fan of your stories and this (r) -- Jewelz, 16:40:54 12/16/01 Sun
Ah, I remember this one. :-D Marvelous storytelling, doll-face. ;-D {{{{{{Bonnie}}}}}}} :-D Looking forward to savoring this story, again. :-D {{{{BBo}}}}} (NT) -- Sanlin, 22:19:08 12/17/01 Mon
Ice on Fire, 2 | B/BoX | 22:23:31 12/15/01 Sat |
WOW! I can't believe I've never read this before......(r) | Nikita_coco | 17:46:17 12/16/01 Sun |
Ice, 3-4/revised | bonniebo | 22:43:21 12/16/01 Sun |
Re:What's Juana's website addy? | Tracy | 22:46:55 12/16/01 Sun |
Ice on Fire, 5 slight rev. | b/bo | 17:17:20 12/17/01 Mon |
Ice, 6/Revised | bonnieboX | 16:22:14 12/18/01 Tue |
Ice/7 | b/b | 21:48:47 12/18/01 Tue |
Ice/8 | b/b | 22:02:47 12/18/01 Tue |
I remember reading the original a long time ago... | Brenda | 14:52:29 12/21/01 Fri |
Ice/9-10, revised | b/b | 21:25:32 12/21/01 Fri |