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Subject: Cyn (r)

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Date Posted: 22:24:41 01/04/02 Fri
In reply to: Cynaera 's message, "ACK! So - where is Michael???? And... (r)" on 20:24:59 01/04/02 Fri

I did a lot of research on Vietnam for this story and used little bits of true stories to make mine more intense. (Some I gathered from personal friends that fought over there.) The captivity of the men in "tiger cages" is true, as is their use of maggots to clean out their wounds. (As a side note, I learned that urine is sterile when it is first released from the body. The men would urinate on the wounds to wash out the maggots. Isn't research great? yucko!)

I've always understood Operations' point of view. He's been through hell and survived, and therefore has little sympathy for the more minor trials in other people's lives. He's seen the worst that mankind can do and has been callused by it. Nikita wants to believe in the basic goodness of people; Operations' experiences have convinced him there is no good in people, only varying levels of evil. This idea enables him to accept the collateral deaths of "innocents" to achieve his goals.

Once you understand what Operations has been through, you begin to understand why he is the way he is.

I think the main reason so many Vietnam vets went off the deep end after the war was because they suffered so much, and then came home to a world where their suffering was not only ignored, but spit upon by their countrymen. That HAS to do a number on your head!

What is really amazing about Operations is that despite everything, he still continued to fight evil--yes, he was partially consumed by it, but he still had the desire to stop the bad guys. In the end, he was still willing to die to protect the innocent.

I was glad to see the episode Sympathy for the Devil because it brought out some of the reasons for Operations actions. It also cemented my belief that Walter fought in Vietnam--and that is the reason that Operations forgave Walter so many times, when other men would have been cancelled on the spot for insubordination. War causes men to bond in ways not readily understood by those of us who have never experienced combat. And that is the reason Walter killed Willy in Sympathy for the Devil--despite all Operations did (Belinda, etc), Walter still cared enough for the man to shield him from the awful truth of Willy's betrayal. It was a touching act of affection on Walter's part, because I think if Operations had learned of Willy's betrayal, it would have destroyed him completely.


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