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Subject: She Was A Slayer Too...

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Date Posted: 13:41:09 10/13/03 Mon

Being a fan of both Buffy and Xena-Warrior Princess, I've noticed many parallels. Both of these strong female characters are warriors for good. They stand up for the wrongs in the world. Supernatural or human, both women step up to the plate to get things done without any fear. Xena and Buffy are two female warriors that are led by destiny. They face monsters too scary to be conjured by any dream and have even faced Gods/Goddesses. Both of them almost facing their demise by a God but, not even an immortal being with endless powers could bring them down.

If you have never heard of Xena, I'll give you a small glimpse. Xena is a woman living during the Golden Age who chose to follow the sword in order to claim vengeance for her brother's death. She led a dark life filled with blood shed and a lust for power. She was known as the Conquerer of Nations and the world trembled before her, that is until a moment in her life changed her. Now, she uses her sword only for good. If you enjoy watching beautifully coreographed hand to hand combat, haunting instrumental music, great one liners (which I know Buffy is superb at), a heart warming friendship or just want an entertaining story then Xena is for you.

Season 2 on DVD has just been released and of course I had to have it. I bought mine from Amazon but, the better deal (cheaper) is at Best Buy. Only Best Buy's version contains a thirty minute interview with the amazing Lucy Lawless (Xena). Best Buy and Amazon both sell the DVD sets with actor audio/visual commentary and bonus disc containing Xena Trivia, actors' bios, plus lots more. Also, did you know that Xena did a little vampire slaying of her own?

In season 2 on DVD there is an episode called, "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" where Xena must face the vampires of the Golden Age known as Baccchae and even becomes one herself. Its a different twist on vampires I know you'll enjoy.

Thought I would share info about another "vampire slayer". But of course, Buffy is the one and only for that job!

Now you can own the legend of Xena-Warrior Princess. Season 2 is out! Allow the legend to live again. Battle on Xena!


Join the Xena team page & allow the legend to live!
*Watch the season 2 DVD trailer here*


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[> Subject: Re: She Was A Slayer Too...

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Date Posted: 11:53:46 10/15/03 Wed

If anyone is interested you guys can check out the trailer for season 2 if ya want.

*Watch the season 2 DVD trailer here*