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Date Posted: 19:52:15 08/31/03 Sun
Author: Anonymous
Subject: Lost Love

“When a Flame Becomes a Flicker”

Once upon a time, a man knew a beautiful woman that captured his heart, and freed his soul. The hands on the clock meant only time to him. As he felt that he had all the time in the world, what more could he want? The man had his girl…

And so, as time swiftly passed them by, everything she did caught his eye. She made him feel so alive, and new, and he felt everyday the child within himself, not knowing the pain that laid down the road. His own personal hell…

In his beating heart was a flame. A flame that burned has hot as the sun, a flame that could bring home a lost ship in the night. For in his heart he held the world because he had the love of his girl. What more could he want, except he wanted to keep her, cherish her, love her, and protect her for the rest of his life. How was he to know that one day that would all come crashing down around him?

One chilly September day, it did. And his flame became a flicker. The fire in his heart was snuffed out from the pains of life. The pain that he seen, was not of the pain that you see somewhere else, No… The pain that he saw was the pain in the eyes of the girl that he loved. She no longer had the same glow in her eyes that he once knew, and he knew in his heart, the fairytale was about to end, and nothing could stop it from happening.

The man, did all he could do, trying to find that one thing that could hold them together just one more day, just one more night. He tried to find what it was, he wanted to take away the wrong, and make it right. Then; he began to examine himself. Was I the reason of her sadness? What could I have done? God! Please help me hold on! His voice was thought to have fallen on deaf ears. He felt lost, and didn’t know what to do.

He said to himself. This must be what it’s like to have it all, only to lose it all… His life was coming to a halt, for the love of his life was gone. Now he had to find a way to keep on going… Try to find a reason to keep him wanting to see another morning.

Well, it’s been years now, and down the road he still stands… He stands alone without the girl that he knew once loved him. One day, he came home figuring it to be just same old thing. Something strange caught his eye. There was a note attached to his front door, and it read as follows.

“Dearest Love:
I know that your hurt and you feel so alone. I want you to see how much I loved you. So here are some memories to add to your scrap book. I love you, and I will not ever forget you.

Love you. Me”

You might wonder why this letter was so different then any other he might have got? It was the love of his life, his heart, his only companion. You see, as time was once his friend has now become his enemy. He has grown old and gray but he never stopped thinking about his girl.

The Moral of the story is this.

You never know what you have until it’s gone.

Love you’re loved ones, and tell them often.
Because tomorrow may not ever come.

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