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Date Posted: 23:26:30 12/01/01 Sat
Author: Anonymous
Subject: Hey Sacred Heart

Hey lady, I've often wondered how you are doing. I've missed seeing you, man we had some good and bad times on those protest lines in Nashville and Brentwood.In case you don't remember me, I was the good old Choctaw boy that was standing beside you sharing a bottle of water at Brentwood when those rich kids thought we needed some hardboiled eggs to go with our water. Remember me now? Man I sure hope so, for I will never forget you and the fire in your eyes and spirit when you are fighting for the ancestors.
When I heard about this site, I never dreamed it was you, but I should have known that if anyone cared enough about us old fire crews it would be you. I saw where you said you met some brothers from Oklahoma. Man if they only knew half your story, bet they would never have left KY, they would have stayed and joined the battles with you.
The fires we fight are hot,but some times I wonder if they can hold a candle to your flaming spirit when you are protecting the ancestors and fighting the fight of the people. I am honored to have met you,and very honored to have been the one to take the hits from the hard boiled eggs with you that day. I will be returning to your area if and when the need arises and we once again will stand side by side to defend the sacred ones.
To you my sister and friend, we stand as one.Many thanks for this site.

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[> Re: Hey Sacred Heart -- Anonymous, 23:01:21 12/03/01 Mon

Bandera, sorry it has taken so long to answer you, but my ISP has been down for ever it seems. Yes I remember you, how could I forget the gallant warrior jumping in the way of the eggs.Because of you I only got hit with a few.
It would be great to see you again.Not much happening in this area right now.If you are back in this area fighting fires give me a call and we will meet for coffee if you get the time.
Take care my brother,love and peace. Sacred Heart

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