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Date Posted: 18:57:04 09/11/02 Wed
Author: Tiarri
Author Host/IP: mcf2.wc.optusnet.com.au /
Subject: .+.Alone.+.

A moonwash'd figure 'ppear'd 'pon thee horizon, his pools hiddin' thy sadness that engulf'd 'he'. A lone, tormenting call trumpeted fro' his reverberating vocals. 'He' had lost Yuri, and all his other b'loved valkyries. Titaniums struck out at thee soft loam, brusin' it badly each and every single time. Finally, 'he' subsided tormenting the topography and turned t' thee large, rocky tor that stood 'fore 'he'. yes.. this was the only answer He would leave the earth for once and for all. 'Ppendages slowly carri'd 'he' t'wards thee edge o' the rocky tor, each step the burden heavier on his heart. He could have saved Yuri.. but no.. One last challenging scream 'rrupted fro' his vocal tuners an' the sun heav'd itself heavenwards slowly. It's golden rays filterin' down 'pon his lovely pelt, makin' 'he' turn in'o a golden-moonwash'd virile. No effort t'was made to hide 'imself fro' man, as what was the point?

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