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Date Posted: 09:27:34 09/29/02 Sun
Author: B.e.t.r.a.y.e.d
Author Host/IP: inktomi4-not.server.ntl.com /
Subject: !¤! Alone !¤!
In reply to: Wildfire 's message, "-.Jubilant.-" on 07:38:54 09/15/02 Sun

Grateful trill is releas'd 'cross the tense dawn air, glad for the company o' thy mascu. V'xen o' the Winter gazes o'er the folds she would come t' know wit' time, but for know she t'was alone. Knowin' none but the blazin' mascu who stood before her, she felt alone an' isolated. Strange scents o' wild beasts drifts t' moonwash'd nares. Soft hazel occuli rest contentedly 'pon thy virile. Cranium is shook gently, sendin' silv'r shiv'r o'er the hueless physique o' she.

Pearly dove moves off t'wards the candlebarks for soon it t'would be mornin' an' t'would not be safe for the silv'r she t' wander in the open o' a loam she did not know. Auditives prick for sound o' any other. Hearin' none silver damsel parts labrums t' release soft whispre t' he. Would he follow or was he t' travel on in search o' others? The need t' conceal herself grows stronger wit' every inch that the Sun rises. Occluis rest 'pon he awaitin' a responce.

:0| Grrr i got grounded cause i didn't clean my room. So i shoved everything into a bag and put it under my bed lol :0) Sorry i took so long.

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