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Date Posted: 16:45:13 01/06/03 Mon
Author: .nyx.
Author Host/IP: asc2-ip043-sag.wmis.net /
Subject: ..flinch..
In reply to: Bey Ninja 's message, "(close your fonts!)||stealth is that of a Ninja||" on 09:01:32 01/05/03 Sun

>||brujo trots to the femme, nickering deeply. Mahogany
>orbs look to the other|| Thou wouldt be welcome at
>my hidden land, Dreamspeaker Falls.

..nares dilate instantly upon the unexpected arrival of the brute; that of a 'snort' is released quickly into the snow-laden air, sending flitters of vapor to scatter from her body.. bod shifts quickly to the side to avoid any contact with his, orbs changing instantly from soft to harsh, ears instinctivly snapping backward to land atop a poll covered in frozen rain.. Welcome, eh? Welcome indeed, for while the brute-he gains in riches and fodders, the dapped-she becomes merely that of another prized possesion to be placed upon his kingly mantel.. How many does he reign over? one? five? twenty? Surely one would think that she should be lost within the realm of his glory, naught but a grey hue among mahagonys and ebonys.. but they would be wrong, oh yes. Fire sparks within her, speaking nothing of a willing mare eager to bend at the will of a suitor, but rather commanding that, if the suitor proves himself, she shall accompany him to the land of his 'treasures', and there she will fight for queen position, and she will aquire it. That he should be sure of, and that he shall recieve.. Listeners perk slightly before flattening again, awaiting his next move, hanging slightly to the north side. Come, dear suitor, what have you in return?

[Sorry for not closing out fonts last time - i dunno how i forgot.]

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