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Date Posted: 14:11:54 01/24/03 Fri
Author: Wildfire
Author Host/IP: pool-141-158-95-39.pitt.east.verizon.net /
Subject: { the fire never ceases }
In reply to: Angeni 's message, "...Angel..." on 09:05:21 01/24/03 Fri

Virile o' blood bay ingresses t'wards the lone valkyrie, shanks carrying his sinewy frame easily as he drifts through the snowgums in a smooth canter. Locomotion is halted 'pon being close enough, a gentle bugle 'rupting from his larynx, nadirs flared, inhaling her warm scent. Muscled nape is thrust outwards, noble crania reached out to brush hers lightly in greeting. He was Wildfire, and meant her no harm. Firey chasms gaze deeply into hers with an understanding most could not fathom. There was eveil poisoning DH currently, and evil that wanted mares like she. Perhaps she would come to his secret cove with him and his small herd, where only they knew that way and he would keep her safe...

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