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Date Posted: 03:35:57 07/17/17 Mon
Author: dr. Jim Morrey
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Subject: Survey about SEXUALLY STIMULATING HERBS, herbal sex drugs, fidget spinners, airoft guns, fitness

To read about crop circles, answars to common questions about French grammar, about censorship in social media, about the basic principls of yoga, about the chriminal Norwegian child protectives system, please scroll down.


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Crop Circles - What are They and What Causes Them?

By Knut Holt

To read more about health, fitness, psychology and sexual methods:


In some areas around the globe one often find plants in crop fields or grasslands laid down in geometrically regular and complex patterns, usually in a circular fashion. This phenomenon, called crop circles, is steadily gaining a heavy attention in mass media, and has also created an immense subculture with a specific belief structure and a lot of social activity.

Crop circles are regular geometrical patterns that can occur in crop fields or grasslands. Within the patterns the plants are laid down in specific directions. The plants will often be sharply bent or halfway broken at a specific point near the ground. At this point the stalk can look more or less exploded or scorched as by heat.

The patterns typically consist of circles, rings, bows or other rounded elements laid out in a symmetrical manner and often connected with each other. The whole pattern can be small or large, 5-50 meter in diameter, and sometimes very complicated. Since they first gained broad public attention, they have grown in complexity, and each year seems to have its own fashion regarding geometrical pattern. They are usually produced during the night. They are seen all over the World, but the south of United Kingdom seems to show the highest frequency of this phenomenon.

Many of them have been revealed as hoaxes made by groups of people walking coordinated in the fields with planks under their feet, but not all of them can easily be explained this way.

Whatever causes them, there always seems to have been some force rotating or sweeping in a specific direction and thereby breaking and pressing the plants down. Sometimes people have seen light balls hovering over a place where crop circles have been found afterwards. Sometimes local stormy weather with swirling winds and heavy rain have occurred at the time of formation. Crop circles also tend to form at areas with underground waterways. Here are some possible explanations apart from the obvious hoaxes already mentioned:

Under certain physical conditions, a swirling wind may become stable and then spawn secondary swirls in a regular geometrical pattern, which again can spawn tertiary swirls so that you get a fractal structure of vortexes in the air with interconnections. At the bottom of these vortexes, the plants will be pressed down by the rotating air. Such swirls will also tend to contain electrical gradients that cause discharges, so that they can be seen as lightballs. Such discharges can possibly also cause internal explosions and scorching at specific points in the stalks of the plants.

Temperature gradients or gradients of electric charge from the soil up to some altitude in the air can possibly provide the energy for such swirls. If the energy in the gradient is released smoothly, air will be set in regular circular motion. Small sidewinds from such a vortex will trigger energy to be released in nearby places so that daughter swirls are created.

Another mechanism of formation can occur if the temperature at a spot in the ground is very different from that in the air and surrounding areas. Air will be heated or cooled over that spot. This will cause a wind up from this spot or down towards the spot and air to blow along the ground towards or from that spot. Such winds will always cause the air to swirl at the central point and regularly spaced vortexes in the area around.

Then you have the possibility that the circles are hoaxed, but with sophisticated technology, for example by drones that one lets fly over the fields, or by robotic ground vehicles set down by a drone. The drone or vehicle will move along in a specific preprogrammed geometrical pattern and press the plants down. If the drones used are of the vertical take off and landing type, they will blow air downwards and press the plants down this way. Drones can of course also carry specifically designed tools that force the plants to bow down and lie.

Some private persons or clubs with a solid budget could carry out this activity just for fun or because they get economical gain from visiting spectators or from selling books and films, and farmers may get paid for allowing crop circles to be made in their fields. But you also have the possibility that certain governmental, military or research organizations secretly make crops circles for various purposes.

One purpose of such organizations can be a large scale psychological and cultural experiment. Another purpose can be to create a certain structure in the psychology and culture of people that makes people more easy to lead and manipulate.

A purpose can also be to turn the attention of especially curious individuals away from certain governmental activities over to something that will occupy their curiosity more or less permanently and lead it astray.

Probably the crop circles were originally only a natural phenomenon that local people kept wondering about without a broader public being aware of them. But eventually a broader international public got interested in the phenomenon and speculations that these could be caused by extraterrestrials with important messages for us began to occur.

At this point, individuals, clubs and governmental institutions got the idea that they could secretly make their own crop circles in order to use the public attention for own purpose and gain. By now we probably have a situation where several instances of various kind compete with steadily more sophisticated technology about making steadily more spectacular crop circles, and with embedded messages with steadily stronger psychological effects. Those doing this may operate lonely, but have a mutual gain from the activity of other crop circle makers. And of course the natural phenomenon still occurs.

As already mentioned, many believe that extraterrestrial beings produce the phenomenon in order to signal their presence and leave certain important messages to be interpreted by humans. This explanation may not be impossible. But there is very little within the phenomenon that cannot be explained as natural processes or as the result of human activity with varying degree of technical sophistication, from the quite simple to state of the art drone technology.

Knut Holt is an internet based consultant and marketer focusing on technical and scientific items. He is also interested in health and fitness and in the investigation of strange phenomena. Please go to this web-site to read more about several scientific subjects, and to find smart products in the categories health and fitness, RC models and hobby, electronics, car equipment, and jewelry.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Knut_Holt/25995



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Some Questions and answars About The French Language and French Grammar

By Knut Holt




Learning a foreign language with a fairly different grammar sharpens the intelligence, just like mathematics, provided the learning focuses on umderstanding the grammer and not on remembering a lot vocabolary. French is ideal for that purpose. Furthermore, vacances in French-speaking areas will be more satisfactory. Thirdly it will be easier to begin studying French or other Romance languages professionally at a later time and the grammatical skills and pronunciation of the language as a professional will also be better if one begins learning it early.



Learn as much grammar as possible at an early stage. Learn the derivational endings and prefixes in the language and their meaning early. Learn the 10 most common irregular verbs early. Look and listen to a French video each day. Then begin reading French with the help of a vocabolary. Even if you follow a stepwise course, sneak ahead from the cource by these activities.

Listening to French songs with the lyrics displayed is also useful. You can easily find such resources at Youtube.


Generally I would say Spanish, but French if you intend to make a career in France, Africa, Quebec and certain other areas with thight connection to France, or intend a career where you must communicate commercially with any of these areas.



If you plan to have something to do with France, Quebec or African countries in your future work, French.

If you plan to work somehow in or towards Estern Europe, Russian.

Similarly if you plan to work in or towards Japan, Japanese. But Chinese is more useful for the Far East in general.



Du, de la and des indicate either an amount or numbr of something that is not exactly defined, or a part of some greater amount or number. They can often be translated with “some” or “some of the”. French and Italian developed this construction, but it never developed in the other Romance languages, as far as I know.



It menas “my love”. Litterally it means “my act of loving”, but in daily speach it means “my loved one” spoken to or about a male or a female person.



"ne" in the nagation "ne - pas" is usually omitted in spoken French. The spoken standard is to use only “pas”. But when you write, you should alway use “ne”. There is also a certain tendency to omit 3. person object pronouns, especially “le”, and especially when it is combined with a dative pronoun. Instead of saying “Je le lui ai donné”, one often will say “Je lui ai donné.” - I gave it to him.

By Knut Holt




Censorship in Reddit and Other Social Media

People steadily experience article they post on Redditt with alternative information being, and evn their account even being deleted.

As far as I know Reddit makes use of voluntary moderators. Many symptoms on such popular social media points to authorities imposing their censors as moderators and using this position to censor content. To facilitate this the top hierarchy of the site is probably threatened or bribed to accept these censors as their moderators. From being a media where you can discuss all kind of althernative explanations for everything, Reddit has detoriated to become a conformist site that serve to enforce the current political correct stance on any subject whatsoever. .The same i true about Vikipedia. There you can find articles about all kind of alternative knowledge, but it is always inclined in a negative way.

By Knut Holt


The Basic Principles of Physical Yoga, also Called Hatha Yoga

By Knut Holt



The Basics of Physical Yoga Exercises- or Hatha Yoga

Systems of physical exercises that can be called yoga have been developed many places and with different ultimate purposes, but the improvement of health and physical abilities is always a purpose. In many traditions, especially many of the the Indian traditions of yoga, these bodily improvements are seen as a means for a further higher spiritual goal. In other traditions the bodily improvements together with coupled mental improvements are seen as the main goal, as for exmple in the Chinese traditions.

The basic principles of physical yoga exercises are simple, however, and if you follow these principles, you actually are doing yoga. Therefore you can make your own yoga exercises that fit your own need as long as you follow the principles. In the following these are explained.

An important part of physical yoga is the breathing exercises, or pranayama. This part is in many ways the most fundamental, because the basic type of breathing is also a part of the yoga postures - the asanas. The postures consist of stretching and holding the body in specific stretched positions for some time, while breathing in a specific way. One usually do both pranatama and asanas in the same session. You can do the pranayama before or after the asanas.


The complete yoga-breath is a basic exercise upon which all other breathing exercises are based, and this is also the way you breath during the body postures. It is however also an independent exercise that you can do any time to refresh yourself. It begins with lungs in a totally empty state obtained by contracting your stomach muscles and all of your chest muscles.

Then breath in as much as you can by letting your stomach expand. Then proceed breathing in by expanding the muscles in the mid of your chest. At last complete the filling of your lungs by expanding the upper part of your chest. It is not possible to separate these three faces completely, though, and they shall also glide over into each other in a smooth way.

Then you empty your lungs completely in a similar sequence. First you contract your stomach muscles and empty as much as possible using these muscles. While holding your stomach muscles contracted, you proceed emptying by contracting the muscles in the mid of your chest and then complete by contracting the upper part of your chest.

All other breathing exercises are essentially variants of the complete yoga breath. When doing the exercises you sit in an upright position on a chair or on some cloth at the floor with crossed legs. Some of these exercises are:

- You breath in and out rapidly 8-15 times, and then hold your breath some while.

- You breath in rapidly, using 4 seconds, then hold your breath 16 seconds or as long as it feels comfortable, then breath out using 8 seconds.

- In a more complex variant of the above exercise you breath in while closing one of your nostrils with a finger, hold your breath some while, and then breath out closing the other nostril. Then you repeat it while still closing your other nostril, hold the breath and then breath out while closing the first nostril.

- You can breath in and breath out through your mouth while pressing your lips towards each other so that you get an extra pressure in your lungs. You can also press your lips together while breathing in so that you get an under-pressure in your lungs.


A yoga posture begins with your body in a relaxed position, either laying flat down or sitting right up. You empty your lungs before the posture as in a complete yoga breath.

- Then you slowly swing or twist your whole body or parts of your body into a stretched position. While doing this your breath in as in the complete yoga breath.

- Then you hold the position for a short or longer time. If you hold it long, you are breathing relaxed with the complete yoga breath method, but not in such a complete way that the breath makes you exhausted.

- Then you slowly swing back from the stretched state to the original position while breathing out like in the complete yoga breath.

Most postures are variant of these basic principles, of which a few are:

- You lay on your back on a cloth at the floor. Then swing your arms up and behind your shoulders, stretching all of your body from top to toe. Then slowly sit up and swing your torso forward while stretching your arms towards your toes. If possible bend your torso all the way down to your knees. After holding the position some while, slowly sit up and then lay down to the original position.

- You lay on a cloth at the floor on your stomach, with another cloth under your lower stomach to protect your genitals. Then lift and swing your upper body up as long as possible, while also bending your head back. Push with your hands towards the floor to help the lifting and to get an effective stretch. Then slowly lay down again at your stomach.

- Sit at the floor on a thick cloth with your legs flexed up halfway towards your stomach and your knees together. Then twist your torso and also swing your head to one side, while pushing against your knee with your hands to help the twisting and get an effective stretch. Then, after holding the position a while, swing your torso back and twist to the other side in the same manner.

- Lay on your back on a cloth at the floor. Swing your legs up so your feet come over your head. Then lift your torso up from the floor so that your body rests upon your shoulders, and straighten your body upwards as much as you feel comfortable. Help the lifting and holding the position with your arms. After having been in that upright position some while, descend your torso and legs again.

The classical description of this exercise prescribes that your body shall point straight up, but that causes your neck to bend unpleasantly and a great pressure in your head. Therefore it is best for most people not to straighten out completely when resting the body on your shoulders.
Yoga explained - Learn The Principles of Yoga exercises


You can find exact descriptions of yoga exercises in books and in web-sites or you can attend courses. You will probably find that the exercises are difficult to do as described in the beginning. It is however possible to do them approximately in the beginning and gradually learn to perform them perfectly.

But you can also compose your own exercises that fit your personal condition and need. To be yoga exercises they must be composed according to the principles outlined above. Weather you learn standard exercises or compose your own, you should however choose a set of exercises that will stretch or twist all your body parts.

By Knut Holt




It is Dangerous to Visit Norway Together With Your Children

Do not visit Norway with your children. They are likely to be taken away from you by the Norwegian CPS system. Child traficking by norwegian authorities is a heavy industry in Norway, and each child taken away is used to gain heavy profit in various ways by people and instances cooperating with the cps system. The following case i just one of many.

What actually happens to children taken is that a whole gang of professional will impose a lot of unneccesary treatment or services upon the child and get heavily paid by the Norwegian state, or the child will be rented out as guinea pig for research by Norwegian or foreign companies or institutes.


The Norwegian CPS system is perhaps the most aggressive child trafficker in the whole world.

I will generally worn anybody to travel to Norway with their children, since this happens also to children of foreigners.

We know that at least 10000 children are taken by the Norwegian CPS each year and oxer 1000 of them are foreign children visiting Norway with their parents. These numbers are horribly high when one conciders that around 60000 children are born in Norway each year.

Those participating in abducting children are granted huge sums of money from the Norwegian state for each child that is taken. Among those are foster care families, police officers, doctors, lawyears, psychologists, certain private agencies and a lot others. Some of these get money or finding children suited for abduction. Others get money for subjecting the child to treatments and services one falsly will claim that the child needs.

Many of the children simply disappear after being taken in Norway and nobody outside the CPS system knows what they then are being used for. But symptoms point to children taken being rented out as guinea pigs for medical experiments by Norwegian and international companies, by research institutes and by deep state agencies, and also used as sources of organs and tissue.

Norwegian roads are frequently being trafficked by dark vans with blacked windows. Many indices point to these vans transporting children and teens taken by the CPS system, and held under general anesthesia under the transport, and brought to secret places. The samne seems to be happening in USA in the same manner.

When they want to abduct a child,they use mainly two menthods. By one method the child, being at school, is lead into a secret room, usually with the healp of the school health service and some authority in the school. There other doctors or nurses are waiting. The child is given anesthesia to put him to sleep. The child is held uncoscious until the school day has passed and most other children have gone home from school. Then one of these dark vans wil come and bring the child away to a seceret place, still in am unconscious state.

In the other method they come with two of these dark vans to the home of the child. One of the vans contains the staff of the CPS agency, the other a police force to help with the abduction. They make the parents open the door. If the door is not opened, they will force themselves inside. They will then hastedly overwhelm the parents and the child and bring him into the vans. There the child is put to sleep and brought away.

In both cases the child is brougt to a secret hospital-like place, were he is held before being transported urther to a more permanent detsiny. The secret place is owned by the CPS agency, or equally often by a company that aids the CPS system. Evidence suggest that many of these secret places are undergraound installations. Norway is full of halls carved out underground or inside miuntais, but very little is told about their use.

It also seems that the air ambulance of Norway is heavily used to transport children taken by the CPS system. It is a fact that this service for a great part is usd for missions ordered by the state and that children held unconscious frequently are those transported by this service.

At that place they will examine the child medically in all thinkable ways. All the time he is held sedated to be passive and to hinder him from remembering what is happening.

During the stay it will be decided how to use the child and where to bring him permanently. Sometimes he will be brought to a foster care home, sometimes to other hospitals or institutions, again under anetshtesia.

The heavy use of ansetshesia on the kids during these prosesse have the aim of holding the child passive, and hindering him from perceiving, remembering and then telling others what ia happening to him.

Since I am activly inestigating these activities, plwase mail me with any information you have at: aquila_grande@yahoo.no


By Knut Holt


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