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Date Posted: 15:25:09 06/17/02 Mon
Author: Conner
Subject: Walks in

A young Irishman walks down the cobble stone street. He pauses, his blue eyes flittering about, taking in the busy scene and noting the various merchants and vendors. As a cart came barrelling towards him, he jumps out of the way, barely avoiding being run over. He grins and says in a thick Irish accent “Very different! I must try and not get m’self killed!”
Conner is his name. He hoped no one around him already knew that. The busy street is a strange thing to him but he figured he would blend in. Except for wearing his kilt for which he was receiving a few sideways glances.
Conner walks past a vender selling bread. As discretely as he can, he grabs a freshly cut slice and hides it in his sporran (A sort of bag that hangs from the belt.), not pausing for a moment.
Glancing across the street, he spots a cage, where the supposedly insane were locked up. At the moment it was empty. Brushing his dark hair out of his eyes, Conner shuddered involuntarily. Glairing at it a moment longer he mutters, “T’was a bad time, but we won’t have to worry about that now, will we?” He tore off a bit of the bread and popped it into his mouth.

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