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Date Posted: 23:14:59 02/11/03 Tue
Author: Anonymous
Subject: Published author accepting photo submissions for new book...


I am in the final stages of writing and producing a new book on pageants entitled, "What ARE Those Pageant Judges Looking For!"

The interview process is pretty much done and first draft ready for editing. What I need now are a few more photographs to help illustrate the text. Please send jpegs for initial consideration. If we select your photo for publication, will request a 4x5-8x10 original photo. All contributors chosen for publication will receive a complimentary copy of the book when published (hoping for a Jan. 2004 release).

Here is what we are looking for:

1) Photogenic entries that have won first or overall awards in state or national level pageants.
2) On stage crowning photos.
3) On stage runway/performance photos (girl-next-door type and glitzy southern style modeling event photos).
4) One fabulous pageant portfolio of 8 images (one for ages 12 and under and one for teens/young adult).
5) Gown shot (on stage or professional ad shot).
6) Interview suit shot (on stage, etc.)
7) Swimwear shot (on stage or...)
8) Sportwear shots (on stage or otherwise)
9) Children's runway category shots (on stage preferred but will consider professional ad shots).

Submissions welcome from professional photographers, coaches, pageant directors, parents, pageant boutiques, designers, etc.

If chosen, will need a photographer's credit for the caption, full information on the image including contestant's name, age division, category of competition, name of pageant, title won, all that is applicable.

NOTE: DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO MARCH 15th...please do not submit photos after the 15th.

Looking forward to seeing your submissions.

Have a good one!

Deborah Ouellette]
Aries Productions

PS By the way, visit my web site at www.ariesphotography.com to see a full bio and sample cover from my last book OR visit amazon.com and look up the book's title, "Breaking Into Commercials" (co-authored with LA/NY commercial casting director, Terry Berland with special foreword by Seinfeld's Jason Alexander).

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