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Date Posted: 05:34:02 06/05/00 Mon
Author: fsstek
Subject: Rules for Tentative November Race

II have turned the updated rules over to rick for final review. There have been several major changes. I would suggest that you print the new ones and toss the old ones out. We considered where MOST of the cars were going to come from and wrote the rules "around" those tracks.There will be a few changes for some, many changes for a few. This was the most practical and fair way we could think of. As we have stated before, We didn't want to eliminate anyone. Nothing would be better than having equal representation from all florida tracks.This was the best compromise we could arive at. We want to thank everyone for your contributions. Yes.... Everyone. Even if your comments were sarcastic or otherwise. We tried very hard to make this a fun and inexpensive thing to do.If you can't see how you can participate, please support us. We not only need to fill the track, we need to fill the stands.

Thanks for your words of encouragment and your future support.
fsstek (Dave)

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