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Date Posted: 08:54:39 06/16/00 Fri
Author: Uncle Ray
Subject: Re: Tire on fuel break
In reply to: ss11 's message, "Tire on fuel break" on 20:27:59 06/15/00 Thu

> Allow a tire change but anyone electing this option
> needs to start from the tail of the lead lap pack.
> Also only have the break for as long as it takes to
> safely add fuel and change a tire,fatigue is a factor
> that needs to have an effect on the outcome of the
> race. If you run 50 then take a 15 minute break then
> run the remaining 50 you may as well slate the race as
> a twin 50.
Hi ss11.
If your suggesting to run the intire 100 laps under green
(with exception to caution laps), I agree. Stockcar racing is not only a race of speed, it's also an endurance race. Fuel consumption, Engine failure, flatten tires should all be factored into the equation. The races I've been involved in, where we had driven up to 100 laps, could be run with only one tank of fuel and a single set of tires. Of course
I had a sixteen gallon fuel cell and the tires take offs we purchased from a late model team with only a single race on them. I don't mean to pat myself on the back, I just think it can be done without the break. Maybe the drivers who will compete in this race sould be polled and see how they feel about the break. My guess is, the fans will enjoy it more and the drivers will too.....Ray

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