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Date Posted: 09:32:31 06/16/00 Fri
Author: Uncle ray
Subject: Re: rules(to:jm)
In reply to: fsstek 's message, "Re: rules(to:jm)" on 03:49:51 06/15/00 Thu

> Uncle Ray,
> No they are not "set in stone". Nothing in life is
> certain except the death and taxes thing.
> However....As long as I'm still making most of the
> decisions regarding the class, I will be VERY
> conservative with the rules. We would love to see a
> LARGE turnout at our first race. Tnis would further
> enforce our position that there is a large group of
> racers that prefer to race a "stock" body car that
> doesn't cost a fortune.If track promoters,tech reps
> and track owners see that this is a serious way to go,
> perhaps they will start to bring their individual
> track rules within the description of the Florida
> Street Stock philosophy. The ultimate goal would be a
> universal Florida State set of rules, but some
> "general consensus" of a Street Stock definition would
> be a step in the right direction. There are lots of
> racers that want to race seriously,but can't or won't
> spend the money to run a Late Model.By "seriously" I
> mean they want to do things right by having a safe and
> nice appearing car,travel to different tracks
> throughout the state and be competitive,and do it on a
> reasonable budget.The Street Stock type vehicle is the
> "roots" of stock car racing.As the rules become more
> liberal in allowing more modifications,the cost of
> building and maintaining a car go higher. Ever notice
> how the number of cars that show up are usually
> inversely proportional to the cost of the car? Every
> class that I know of that has allowed more changes
> each season, has had lower car counts each season.I'm
> talking from a lot of years of participation and
> observation. I started selling programs at Raleigh NC
> Speedway in 1955, just to get in to see the races
> !(I'm 60 years old and have seen a few races and
> banged a few walls myself).Those guys back then had
> the same problems that we do now.It appears that no
> one has learned from the past mistakes.
> I personally think that stock car racing
> participation,should be available to as many people as
> possible. By keeping the cost down and the competition
> high,that should be an obtainable objective.
> The biggest "cloud " on the horizon, is the
> proliferation of front wheel drive cars. It's been a
> long time since GM has built a full frame rear wheel
> drive car. Those are rapidly going to the melt down
> pot ! I don't even want to think about what's next for
> STOCK body car racers. UGH !
> I'm off my soap box for now.. I hope you see where we
> are coming from and hope you us help to spread "the
> gospel" of "Street Stocks Forever"...
> Liberalize the rules ?? Not on my watch !!!!
> See Ya at the races.
> fsstek, (Dave Waddell)
Hi Dave, I caught you message on the NSS message board. the superstocks are a good resource of cars but, what about the dirt cars? Volusia county's hobbystocks would be a nice twist to the circuit, especially if the asphalt cars competed against them on there own playing field and visversa. Volusia county will be running their annual 100 lap hobby race, as you probably already know. I'm quite sure a lot of FSS cars will enter this event as well, as the NSS superstocks. To tell you the truth I'm really looking foward to that race. I hope the dirt tracks around the state will get together with you guys and help make this a well rounded series. Think of the competition,asphalt drivers against dirts drivers, now that's something I'd wanna pay money to see.....Ray

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