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Date Posted: 04:02:48 06/19/00 Mon
Author: fsstek (Dave)
Subject: Rules and some explainations

I have recieved several emails and thought i would share some of the questions and answers with the board.

1.Question: Why not allow Vortec Heads when World Product heads are legal ??...
Answer: Vortec heads are the best thing to come along in years, they do offer a competitive advantage over other iron heads. They are not being used by many tracks in a "Street Stock" setting, therefore would be a big advantage for a FEW racers. They may not be easily adaptable to cast iron intakes ,which are also mandated by our rules.The big advantage for World Product heads is that they are not 30 to 40 years old and therefore much more reliable. They have very little ,if any, horsepower advantage over other stock iron heads when used with a small carb, small cam and cast iron exhaust.

2. Question: Why not give headers a weight break and allow them ?

Answer: Headers do add considerable hoesepower and are usually found on cars that have more engine modifications. Finding a fair weight penalty was difficult, if not impossible. Most of the tracks that are responding to the Florida 100 concept are not running headers.If anyone has to change, only a few racers will have to go back to iron manifolds and they are cheaper(If not free !).

3. Question: Why not allow radios?

Answer: Radios are EXPENSIVE. A team that had them would have a competitive advantage over a team that doesn't have them. They are not necessary to have a competitive and safe event.

4. Question: Why not just write a new set of rules for everyone to build to ?

Answer: We tried to keep the modifications that any team would have to do.. moderate. Also tried to make them cheap to do and reversable..Yes we would all like to start with a fresh sheet of paper, but everyone would be building a new car !!

5. Question: Why outlaw disc brake rear ends ?

Answer: Everyone feels that they have a competitive advantage. (Why else would anyone want to use them ?). They are or were not stock on most cars that are used for Street Stock material. By allowing them, we would also have to allow some bias adjustment devices,which we didn't want to do and the cost for building a car goes up, with no overall good effect on the class.

6. Question: Why not allow aluminum manifolds and quadrajets ?

Answer. We want to keep horsepower down as well as cost. Aluminum manifolds add horsepower and cost about $100.00 or more.Cast Iron intakes are cheap or free. Making an adapter is simple If you have access to a milling machine or a decent drill press. Holley two bbls are not cheap, but are very prevalant in racing. They can be bought "used" reasonably and might even be "borrowed" for one race.Learning how a Holley works is esential to any serious stock car engine builder/tuner.

7. Question: Why allow spring Jacks on Street Stock?

Answer. We only allow them on the rear. We want the front end to remain stock as far as spring and shock placement.Some tracks do allow rear jacks and removeing them would be a problem.Since there may be little time for a team to practice on a strange track, it's only fair to give them a little adjustability.With a spring jack, you can accomplish in minutes, what would take several hours of trial and error parts swapping. If you are running at your "home track" you probably have the right springs and/or spacers and don't need jacks. This is one of thos things that helps level the playing field.

More later as the "questions" role in.. We offer these explainations only to show that these rules are not just arbitrary, but "thought out". and in some case "fought out".

Have a safe season.
Dave (fsstek)

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