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Date Posted: 04:14:23 06/26/00 Mon
Author: Dave (fsstek)
Subject: Humble Beginnings
In reply to: shane rowell 's message, "Re: Sportsman ?" on 14:24:18 06/25/00 Sun

This is posted under Shanes Post but is not addressed only to him. Everyone that thinks they have a better Idea....or "just doesn't like " the way we are doing things. Please read. I mean READ ALL of It ,don't just pick the part you want to dwell on.It might help to go back and read some of the old posts in order to see how this idea has evolved.
For THIS race and only for THIS race. The definition of Street Stock is spelled out in our rules. To debate "what's a Street Stock" would be whipping a dead horse. There is a different definition for every track and every racer.Perhaps we should have named the class " Stock Cars of Humble beginnings" class. That way no one would be able to argue the proper definition of "Street Stock".Why we have chosen the rules that we have has been explained many different times on this board. Among the reasons, are the fact that we have a wide variety of cars to try to include and takeing into consideration the fact that the bulk of the cars are going to be from Desoto,Auburndale,Orlando etc.(for THIS race)
We had to design the class around those existing rules,no matter how "misguided" those rules seem to be.Most racers feel that the home track does it the "right" way.That reasoning would assume that the other tracks are doing it the wrong way! In the real world, No one is right... Only different. This is a COMPROMISE for everyone. If It isn't feasable to modify a given car for this race, then It won't run with us.A fact of life. What I want to see as a set of rules can't be done .Not at this time. No one is going to be able to run without making SOME changes . That is the definition of COMPROMISE. Now... Since the promoters at Desoto have agreed to host this race, How could we write the rules so that the cars from that track would either be illegal or uncompetitive? That wouldn't be very smart. They have looked at our rules and decided that they could support us. One small step forward .... One at a time...

I have had criticism from those that think these rules are Sportsman as well as those that think it's a Pure Stock "entry level" class. That shows you how much difference there is in opinions looking at the same rules !
We have tried to not only write some fair rules, but also to explain how we arrived at them. I don't recall ever hearing a sanctioning body (other than Winston Cup NASCAR)explain WHY any particular rule exists. I have heard the explaination of " That's the way we allways did it !" more times than I like to remember.Does that sound familiar ?We have tried to make it clear that we don't want "stupid" rules nor Expensive or hard to enterpret and enforce rules.
If you can't participate this time, maybe next time the rules will be more in your favour.If your track hosts the race, perhaps things will go more your way. That's the facts of life.
The amount of money being raced for will be unheard of in Florida. The Trophy will be something to cherish for life. The prestige of being the winner of the first Street Stock 100 will be something to be remembered for life. Not enough encentive to warrant making the changes ? Then come watch from the stands.
I'm not to big headed that i think mine is the only way to go about it.(The rules thing).When Rick asked for help,I volunteered and have not asked for nor recieve any pay. I have volunteered because i knew that If I wasn't part of the solution, then I was part of the problem. In a sincerety, If anyone wants to take over.. Just step forward.
I will graciously step aside and support you as well as i can. I want to see this "movement" for a standard Street Stock rule book move forward.I wish it could be done in one step, but that doesn't seem to be possible at this time.
I'm off my soap box again.
I hope i haven't offended anyone. If you feel strongly about something, then It tends to show. That goes for all of us. Think about all the racers that are NOT part of this Board and haven't made their ideas known !We need to get them involved.
Dave (fsstek)

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