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Date Posted: 09:04:52 06/28/00 Wed
Author: #28 SS
Subject: Re: NEW SUBJECT !
In reply to: Dave (fsstek) 's message, "NEW SUBJECT !" on 05:04:50 06/28/00 Wed

> The level of racing experience of the contributors to
> this board seems to run from Very experienced,seasoned
> racers, to beginners with little to no experience.
> There is a wealth of information floating around out
> there that could be of great help to those just
> starting out. I would like to propose a Tech Swap
> idea. Each day, I will try to contribute some small
> tid bit of information that I have learned from my
> simple background. I invite others to do the same. A
> kind of "swapping of the minds" thing. It's been said
> that a person doesn'nt have to know anything to have
> an opinion. So remember that these will be the opinion
> of the writer. Not necessarily perfect advice, but
> just a racers opinion. There may be some "spirited"
> debate on some future postings, please don't turn it
> into an arguement.Remembering these are OPINIONS of
> the contributors.
> O.K. to start things off......Disc brakes on GM
> products(Probably others to) have a tendancy to drag a
> little after being applied. (Unlike brake shoes used
> with drums that have return springs.)To keep that
> excess drag to a minimum, you can do the following.
> Remove the little rubber "o" rings from the caliper
> bolt holes. They prevent rattles (Who cares!) and tend
> to add drag to the caliper preventing immediate
> release. Also you can leave your wheel bearings just a
> little bit loose. That causes a very slight wobble
> that kicks the pads back out of the way. the key here
> is SLIGHTLY loose.Just enough to feel it when you
> shake the wheel while on jacks.Most importantly....
> Check and repack front wheel bearings every other race.
> I'm out here.Dave (fsstek)

Thanks for the tip. I am one of the new drivers with very little experience but having an excellent time in doing so. Maybe on one of your future tips you could explain stagger and how it effects handeling, push, loose etc...
I have looked for books and web sites but have not had very good luck so far.

Thanks in advance!!

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