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Date Posted: 12:41:25 06/29/00 Thu
Author: Dave (fsstek)
Subject: Re: Stagger
In reply to: SS #28 's message, "Re: Stagger" on 11:57:52 06/29/00 Thu

Davids comments remind me of a funny story.This is the truth !! We had a guy running with us at Speed World in Orlando. He was in his 2nd or third year. He was all over the track, running into people,spinning out, you name it...He was no better than the first night out. Maybe worse,'cause he thought he had some experience! I had a brand new car,Looked and ran like everyones dream. This clown took my right rear quarter OFF during hot laps! When I asked him about it, he said"I don't know how to set the car up". In a moment of foolishness, I sat down and wrote out my complete setup from front to rear,caster camber,tire sizes,pressures spring rates,shocks,swaybar,wedge...EVERYTHING ! This was a car that won frequently! I gave him the paper.... After the heat race he came back, handed me the paper and said "It Don't Work".I asked him if he did everything on the paper (impossible to do in less than 4-5 hours )! He said he tried some of it, but it got worse ! I asked him "If I gave you a recipe for a cake and you only put in some of the ingredients,would he expect to get a cake ?" I still don't think he understood.Later that night I went over and looked at his car. The right lower trailing arm was not connected to the chassis. the frame had completely rusted away. the only thing keeping it rom falling off was the rear sway bar(which he should have removed three years ago). He solved our problem though..........he moved up to Sportsman !! No Kidding.
Dave (fsstek)

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