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Date Posted: 17:05:43 06/30/00 Fri
Author: shane rowell
Subject: Re: question for tek and racers
In reply to: racer68 's message, "Re: question for tek and racers" on 09:38:45 06/30/00 Fri

> No offense to Shane but if he can run headers and add
> 50 pounds i want to run my quadrajet and add 50
> pounds.The problem with allowing people extra stuff
> and then adding weight they put the weight where they
> want cause they need it to hook the extra power up.

well gentleman ill go buy the new stuff for the exguest and comply with the rules.

one thing i would like to point out is that if you hold this to close stock rules then there should be no jack bolts in rear or spring changes no shakles to change weight loading
or ride heigth,if its going to be stock make it all the way.
seems to be the rules are made around 3 to 4 tracks and if you buy the books for street stock chassie and building a new SS the rules by no way come even close, so i will sit back and laugh a bit and take it all in stride , still along way till race time, building a new car for dirt and saving my big montes for the asphalt.

good luck to all shane.

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