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Date Posted: 07:57:41 07/02/00 Sun
Author: dgould
Subject: Re: Fuel
In reply to: Dave 's message, "Re: Fuel" on 05:27:47 07/02/00 Sun

> Good point, There are lots of ways to skin a cat. I
> never intended to imply that my opinion is the only
> correct one. I believe I stated in the beginning that
> these are just OPINIONS.If the way you are doing
> things, isn't good enough to win every race, then
> maybe some re-examination of the skinning process is
> in order.On the other hand, If you are dominating,
> perhaps you can sit back and relax in the knowledge
> that you have a superior package. Most drivers fall
> somewhere in the area of needing to improve the
> overall package configuration,sometimes just to STAY
> AHEAD of the competition.I suppose it also has
> something to do with the competition also. heck, If
> you are not being challanged, why worry about
> improvements.
> When WE were actively racing, we never went a week
> without learning something.I'm not saying we CHANGED
> something every week. We just tried to have a better
> understanding of how things worked and we were always
> looking for some competitive edge. Working within
> restrictive rules such as these was a challange in
> them selves. Challanges that didn't necessarily depend
> on a bottomless check book,as in some classes, but
> rather a bottomless pool of imagination and
> innovation.Racing against some very good racers made
> us stay on our toes.The Gould family of racers CDarrin
> and David in particular) had a well earned reputation
> of being able to get the most out of nothing !If you
> slacked off one week on car prep., They were out front
> !Damn that was fun !They were very hard to keep in the
> rear view mirror!
> I wished there had been a forum similar to this one
> where some racers would willingly swapped information
> and opinions.There wasn't, so we had to gather our
> information from magazines,seminars,observation of
> other cars etc.
> Those other racers are not our enemys,they are fellow
> competitors. No one knows anymore about how
> passsionately we feel about racing than those other
> racers.Not our Moms, not our Dads, Not our
> wives.....unless they are racers too.
> I don't think that any of the opinions that appear
> here are intended to be a formula to build to, or
> should be immediatly applied to you car. Rather these
> are things to CONSIDER and perhaps learn from.
> Knowledge is Power.
> Street Stocks forever !!
> Dave (fsstek)
dave thanks for the view of the gould brothers but it all came down to listening to certian poeple and following what they had to say and a whole lot of hard work we at times worked 7 days a week from 3 pm till the am every night just to compete because we didnt have money but lots of time. thats how we competed againsted that big pocket. some people bought there why to the track while we use old fashion muscle

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