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Date Posted: 04:22:23 07/14/00 Fri
Author: dgould
Subject: Re: Stagger
In reply to: Daev(gfsstek) 's message, "Re: Stagger" on 03:49:42 07/14/00 Fri

> Maples,
> You are correct in your statement that weights will
> remain the same"IF" the ride height stays the same.
> That is the key. If you change tire size only, ride
> ht. WILL change.I'll admit, only slightly. It might be
> a good Idea to also explain "corner wt".Someone may
> think that means "the weight on the corner of the
> car".Actually I think that term could be better
> described as dynamic weight. in other words,taking in
> all the dynamic forces on the track,during
> cornering.And Yes.. There are a lot of things going on
> in the front end geometry. It's nice to know all these
> things, but in this class where some things are not
> "legaly" adjustable, they can be a little confusing to
> the beginner. Most of the "street stock" cars have
> only springs ,tires ,sway bar, and a few
> caster/camber/toe adjustments to work with. There
> have been some requests for a book to recommend for
> beginners. What book(s). I would you recommend ?? I
> have read a several over the years. I don't recall any
> single one of them being "eye openers". I just seemed
> to pick up stuff from each of them. Going back and
> re-reading was the ticket. I do recall reading one
> about constructing an IMCA Modified, that had lot's of
> good stuff, (and a lot of dirt tech.)but that was
> after I had some idea how things worked "Basicaly". I
> don't think I would have gotten anything of value if
> that was my first book.As I recall Steve Smith
> Motorsports has a good selection of books.I no longer
> get the "flyers" from them.If you have any
> recommendations, pass 'em on to the board.
> Dave
dave your right about stevie smith they will help the novice the most and keep us vetrans reminded that this is how it works

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  • Re: Stagger -- Maples, 07:10:55 07/14/00 Fri
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