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Date Posted: 22:51:45 12/01/04 Wed
Author: Leah
Subject: A smile tugs gently at her pink links, changing her wet mittens for a dry pair and tugging up the fur-lined hood of her snow jacket. She looked more like a child than a mother-to-be, her face burried in the warmth of the jacket, just her small nose and brught blue eyes poking out. She loved watching him with his nieces... and she knew he'd be even more attatched to their little boy, when he arrived. It seemed like the day would never come, she just kept getting bigger and and bigger... Maggie was convinced she was going to pop... and right now- she wasn't sure she didn't agree with her. She settled on a couch and wrapped herself up in the blanket she'd brought out with them, pulling a thermos out of her bag for some hot cocoa.
In reply to: Leah 's message, "Baby its cold outside..." on 21:22:07 12/01/04 Wed

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  • They finished up the snowman easily enough and before long even Maggie said that it was a little bit cold. Luke just swept her up into his arms and gave her a big hug, heading over to where Leah was. "Maggie is cold." He informed her before he leaned down, rubbing his nose against hers. "I am too." A slight playful pout lined his words before he winked and sat down on the bench. "Damn, even my ass is frozen." He stated softly, growling as he nestled the little girl against his chest. (NT) -- Luke, 22:58:40 12/01/04 Wed

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