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Date Posted: 02:22:06 02/26/05 Sat
Author: Bella
Subject: She bit her lip a little, turning to face him and press a kiss to his lips "Sorry about cancelling last night ..My parents turned up." And she truly was - she'd been looking foward to getting all dressed up and going somewhere other than the strip and being doted on by him..
In reply to: Bella 's message, "She'd had to cancel her and Travis' dinner outing last night, due to her parents showing up on her and her brothers doorstep for a surprise dinner instead .. so she couldn't have exactly escaped without them noticing and chiding her. To her, her boyfriend had sounded pretty annoyed on the phone, so she'd been subconciously avoiding him. Right now, though, her guard was down - she didn't figure she'd be running into him on her way home from school." on 06:17:19 02/12/05 Sat

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  • He raised a brow and tugged her close despite his sweat dampened state, a small grin playing over his features. "Well we'll just have to reschedule is all.." (NT) -- Tripp, 02:28:19 02/26/05 Sat

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