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Date Posted: 16:27:36 04/16/05 Sat
Author: Angel
Subject: >>
In reply to: Diamond 's message, "
All that she wants is another baby
She's gone tomorrow boy
on 22:37:21 04/15/05 Fri

She frowned a touch, shaking her head a little "You didn;t make him lose anything Di... shit happens- you know that as well as I do. And he knows it two. He'll come round... he maybe just needs time to adjust to the idea." She shrugged a touch, arching a brow as Diamond asked to take Christian, nodded easily and handing him over to her "Of course... he must like you- he's not normally so friendly with people he doesn't know..." Kinda like his father in that respect too. She didn't supose she could blame him.. the seperation from his real mother can't have been easy for him- even if he didn't remember the event. She tipped her head gently, letting her gaze linger on the boy, watching him silently a moment before she spoke. "Vin loves him so much... he's such an amazing father y'know? And he keeps going on about how much of a natural I am and ... I know he's gonna want more ... and I can't give him more." She'd never told anyone about being barren... she hadn;t thought it would ever really matter to her- she'd never really considered the family card being in her future.

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