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Date Posted: 20:38:33 04/16/05 Sat
Author: Angel
Subject: She draws a deep breath and sighs out heavily, letting her gaze linger on the child a moment longer before she let her gaze wander, shaking her head softly to herself. "Did you ever see us here Di? Kids at the playground, pregnant, engaged, setting up home with the guys.... I sure as hell didn;t... " But it was a good change... an unlikely one perhaps- but she liked the way things had turned out. She wouldnt change things for the world with Vin.
In reply to: Diamond 's message, "
All that she wants is another baby
She's gone tomorrow boy
on 22:37:21 04/15/05 Fri

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  • She smirked lightly, shaking her head slowly. "I didn't picture anything in my life going the way it did..." She let out a soft breath, her gaze thoughtful. "Hell, for years, Fall was just a great tipper, you know?" Even when Fall had been fooling around with Angel there was always Diamond on the side. "Never expected anything that happened to happen..." A slight smile crossed her face though as she thought of her future husband before it faded, she just didn't know how to help him get through his grieving and live again. (NT) -- Diamond, 20:41:13 04/16/05 Sat

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