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Date Posted: 07:33:06 05/03/05 Tue
Author: Ethan
Subject: She laughed softly at the hookie part before she nodded a bit. "You should tell me when you take these days, darlin' I woulda taken one with ya." She winked lightly, shifting to push back the white cowboy hat that was perched atop of her head. "So, Drew was yellin' at me yesterday, said I can't just go wanderin' 'round like I'm a nobody that nobody knows, he says I gotta start maintaining a 'public appearance'." She rolled her eyes lightly, leaning back on her hands. "How'm I supposed to do that when I got to take the dogs to the park and go grocery shopping for my poor starvin' friend?" She smirked a little, though she really was a little annoyed with the whole idea of Drew telling her she shouldn't go out among the public to much.
In reply to: Ethan 's message, "

This new diet's liquid, and dulling to the senses
And it's crude, but it will do
on 06:19:33 05/03/05 Tue

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  • "The day is still young..." He informed her with a small smirk, one hand playing absently up her back from where he still lay, then shook his head a little. "Tell Drew to get a life. That's dumb. You can do whatever you want whenever you want to do it." As long as she wasn't wandering out to really public places unshowered and in her pajamas, he didn't see the harm in it. Considering that he, who's entire life was based around image, didn't have a problem wearing sweats out to the park - he was going to go for a run, afterall - he didn't understand what Drew's problem was. (NT) -- Ethan, 07:57:40 05/03/05 Tue

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