Subject: ~She looked apalled.~ Singular, Dusty. It's PARENT. I don't have a mate. |
Author: Jewel
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Date Posted: 14:36:03 01/27/02 Sun
In reply to:
's message, "*walks in*Hey guys.I overheard you.I'm taking the human.>>>" on 10:05:09 01/27/02 Sun
~She thinks for a minute or two before saying,~
Listen Dusty... I don't mean to shun her. But she's so different and none of us are used to her being here with us. I didn't like the idea of keeping her at all. You know that. But I don't want her killed either. None of us hates her, we're just uncomfortable right now. It's new to us and Sese sort of surprised me by changing her ways so darn quick. Shamia will be staying with us because we simply don't have a choice anymore. Crystal went out and got that human mad is all. It's not as though I'm suggesting Shamia would do the same thing to any one of us. If she stays long enough, she'll learn to like us maybe. But I can tell you right now that neither of us wants her killed. You don't either, if I know you at all, Dusty. As much as I'd like to say otherwise, we don't have many other options besides keeping her here.
~She pauses, thinking about Diamond and Maxx.~
And I know your parents haven't been around at all lately. I am very surprised and a bit upset with Diamond, knowing she's been active all her years here. ((Her player, Laura, is the one who showed this game to me.)) But Dusty, you're more than welcome to stay here if you want to. If you don't want to settle down, I want you to know that you can visit anytime you want to. Diamond and Maxx aren't being fair, if I do say so myself. Don't forget that you have family nearby and you're welcome anytime and anywhere. Okay?
~She stops talking and looks over at Gravity. She turned to the meat and flipped it over, making sure it was done.~
Dusty, would you care to have some dinner here with us? It would be great if you would join us.
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